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Everything posted by Daniels

  1. Thank you Helen! I always appreciate your comments. That Big Bird award is well deserved I'm still not sure how I'm going to complete my background... I may follow through with the Star Trek thing
  2. You could either bring the opacity of the black down, or you could make the gradient much bigger. The way you did it looks like your gradient wasn't very big at all.
  3. New WIP. I adapted the Newton Balls from the gallery post and incorporated them into a bigger image. Any pointers would be helpful. http://i.imgur.com/ZlYDEY8.png">http://i.imgur.com/ZlYDEY8.png
  4. Hey, don't feel too bad. Sometimes it just takes a fresh brain Glad I could help.
  5. I don't quite understand what you are asking.. but try this. Take the original image dimensions, and multiply both the width and height by the % zoom that you like. Then resize your original image to those dimensions. For example: if the original image is 1920x1080, but you like the way it looks at 66% zoom, then multiply 1920 and 1080 by 0.66 to get 1267 and 713 respectively. Then resize the image to 1267x713. Then save the image. Let me know if that works for you.
  6. School has left no time for art this week... :(

  7. Wow, Bonz! The orb reflected in the orb reflected in the other orb is a great touch!
  8. Thanks Barbie! It's good to see you back. Haven't seen you post in a while.
  9. I had noticed that too, but I hadn't gotten around to saying anything yet...Ya snooze, ya lose, I guess.
  10. Look: the mods don't care how many kilobytes your pictures are. All they care about are pixel dimensions. So downsize to 800 by 600 at the most or you are going have your pictures removed. You have some very interesting work...it would be a shame for it to all disappear.
  11. Really nice new stuff. I'm having a little trouble seeing the full sizes, but what I can get from the thumbs is really good.
  12. The babies are very nice. I think I'll have to send my sister your upcoming Hugh. She's a huge fan
  13. I saw the comments about the wall banner before I saw the banner itself...flipped over to page one and BOOM! I love it. Just the right amount of awesome!
  14. Thanks Pixey and Dug! It's one of those types of piece that never turn out the same way twice. Unfortunately, it makes it hard to replicate results you like but didn't save
  15. Welcome back, NiteNurse! It's nice to have everybody back (and friends again, I hope )!
  16. I think we should wait for NiteNurse to possibly cool down and come back. If I saw how eager others were to replace me, I might get a little insulted. Anyone agree? Edit: It appears NiteNurse79 has left the forum for good. Both her avatar and signature have been removed. It's unfortunate to lose such an active member.
  17. Addict, master...potato potato. (it is really hard to type that phrase... really lacks the same impact...)
  18. Well, Drew, it started here, escalated, then blew up... I would vote for you as host...
  19. Really? You've been a great host. Just because of a simple argument? Please...stay...
  20. Thanks. That came to me on a whim after I failed at probably three other design ideas Don't feel bad... Had I not been to England several years ago, I'd be there too. Even now, I wasn't sure what the abbreviation GMT was when I first saw it
  21. Thank you Drew. Coming from a master ClipWarper, that means a lot.
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