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Posts posted by DrewDale

  1. compheader_zpsea55e44d.png


    The theme this week is –  Admin & Moderators

    And has been chosen by – Drew Dale (nominated by Daniels)
    This week you are invited to design and create a sig for one of the forums wonderful Admin & moderating team.
    In case you don’t know who is who here is
    The Team  (Please only pick one, not a mix of two or more)

    The deadline for entries is 9:00pm (UK Time) on Sunday 27 October.
    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the 
    World Time




    Competition rules.

    1. Max sig dimensions 500x200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig.
    2. Please keep your sig family friendly.
    3. Keep to the theme that has been set.
    4. Modifying or replacing your sig is not permitted after submitting your entry.
    5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous.
    6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work.

    The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition.  Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering.

    Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler and Nitenurse79 for keeping this comp going in the past

    This thread is for posting your entries only.
    If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found

  2. The voting deadline is here and its time to announce the winners. 


    First place is -  Daniels  with 12 votes.

    Second place is - DrewDale  with  9 votes.

    Sharing Third place is Oceana, lloyd, Sasha and nitenurse with 8 votes each.

    Fourth place is shared between Welshblue, Vodka Princess, Mottoman and Barbieq with 7 votes each.


    Thanks to all who took part and to all who voted. I will PM Daniels and launch SOTW#93 within the next 24 hours.

  3. Both new works are top class as always dug, really dig the colours  on kitchen sing and the snake image is very creative, I love the scatter effect on your name there, very well put together. B)


    I also notice the forum has gone very inactive too. Not many votes on comps or new plugins to play with :/

    I have V4,on my Windows 8 PC, but I still have 3.5.11 on a Windows 7 laptop, I still need a stable version to play around with for now.

  4. DrewDale I understand, there's no problem, it's my fault and I will be more careful in future.

    Not a problem. I am sorry for having to do this because your entry was top class, you are always welcome to join in on future topics. I also give you a rep point for taking it graciously :)


    @ Welshblue - There is always someone who finds a weakness :lol:

    • Upvote 2
  5. xod - Sorry, but your entry will not be put into the voting stage. Not only have you broken rule #1 of the competition, but you have also broken rule #5. Please don't re-submit an edited version because you will then violate rule #4.  I don't like to come down on anyone who enters, but the rules are clear to understand, even for a new member. 

  6. A very stark entry Oceana, love it. I chose falling down because I'm sure a lot of people feel that way sometimes :lol: at the end of the movie I felt sorry for the guy.


    Just to echo other posts on here, some top entries, I am very impressed at the turn out so far. B)

  7. compheader_zpsea55e44d.png


    The theme this week is –  Favourite Movie.

    And has been chosen by – Sasha.
    This week you are invited to create a sig based on your favourite movie, it
    could be new or old and it doesn't have to be a classic.

    The deadline for entries is 9:00pm (UK Time) on Sunday 13 October.
    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the 
    World Time


    Competition rules.

    1. Max sig dimensions 500x200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig.
    2. Please keep your sig family friendly.
    3. Keep to the theme that has been set.
    4. Modifying or replacing your sig is not permitted after submitting your entry.
    5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous.
    6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work.

    The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition.  Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering.

    Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler and Nitenurse79 for keeping this comp going in the past

    This thread is for posting your entries only.
    If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found

  8. The voting deadline is here and its time to announce the winners.


    First place is -  Sasha with 11 votes.

    Second place is - DrewDale  with  9 votes.

    Sharing Third place is - Nitenurse, EER, Pixey, Oceana and dug with 8 votes each

    In Fourth place is -  Pdnnoob with 7 votes


    Another comp where all entrants get a placing :)


    Thanks to all who took part and to all who voted. I will PM  Sasha and launch SOTW#92 within the next 24 hours. B)

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