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Posts posted by DrewDale

  1. Cool little tute, but as nitenurse has already mentioned, you only get a lot of smoke after a candle has gone out and it's not white. I will use the white smoke effect for where it is needed and a blue ish smoke for other effects. Nicely written and worth a rep point for sure. B)

  2. Congratulations on a really cool entry Doughty. Well done also to Welshblue and Yellowman on 2nd & 3rd placings. In fact awesome entries from all and a tough time voting once more.
    Cheers to Chimay for the hosting duties too.  B)

  3. Question.... I thought I read somewhere that participants aren't allowed to vote, but I can't find where I read it. So, I want to double check, can I or can't I vote?

    Yes indeed you can vote. I vote in every comp I enter and it was never a rule when I used to host this comp and it's not a rule now either ;)

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