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Posts posted by DrewDale

  1. Thank you all for your visits and comments, it means a great deal to me. Your all inspirational to what I doodle and share.  <3


    @ Helen - Thank you. I know gloss is your thing and I'm happy you like how I make mine.


    @ Daniels - Cheers sir, the colour was originally going to be on the comp entry, but didn't seem to work on the smaller version.


    @ Welshblue - Cheers mate, credit also goes to you for coming up with (and sharing) your tutes. The text one is a personal fave of mine, glad you like what you see. 


    @ Barbieq - Thank you for your feedback, always kind words that give me the inspiration to try and better myself.


    @ Dug - Thanks mate, without the tutes I would be lost on many things, happy you like them, thanks for the vote too. 

  2. compheader_zpsea55e44d.png


    The theme this week is –  Bokeh style.
    And has been chosen by –  Helen.


    This week’s topic invites you to create a bokeh style sig there is a pluging by TechnoRobbo found Here

    and an excellent tutorial by Welshblue found Here you can use either your own image or a stock image
    (please link the source if using stock) or you can create one from scratch.


    The deadline for entries is 9:00pm (UK Time) on Sunday August 4.
    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time


    Competition rules. 
    1. Max sig dimensions 500x200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig.
    2. Please keep your sig family friendly. 
    3. Keep to the theme that has been set.
    4. Modifying or replacing your sig is not permitted after submitting your entry. 
    5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. 
    6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 

    The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering.


    Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler and Nitenurse79 for keeping this comp going in the past

    This thread is for posting your entries only
    If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here..       

  3. The voting deadline is here and its now time to announce the winners.


    Taking first place is - Helen with 17 votes

    Second place goes to pdnnoob with 13 votes

    Third place is - DrewDale with 12 votes

    Fourth is shared between Sasha & Mottoman with 11 votes each.


    Thanks to all who took part and to all the voters. I will PM Helen and launch SOTW#87 as soon as we have a topic.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Top image Sasha, I agree on the name of the jail too, nice one. Love the textures on the door and window bars and the sandy texture. You have used the brick tute very well and I like the little touches such as the wheel, staging post and door brackets. A really nice picture and well thought out too. B)

  5. You can't save your scripts into sub menus, you need to do as you say - open scriptlab and then load up the script that you saved to your user files. You could put them into sub menus in your documents folder and then load one up from there though ;)

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