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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. Good start to your gallery Oceana.

    Your avatar, gallery banner & sig all match well.
    I particularly like the TV from the kitch logo comp, it has a sort of 50's/60's cartoon feel to it.
    Good results from the tutorials too. :star:

  2. Glad you like changes!

    Pdnnoob, BBQ & yellowman - thanks
    Seerose - Danke! <3

    yellowman - It now tests if the start pixel is above the transparency threshold before doing most of the calculations.
    This makes it much faster for object layers. It may also be slightly faster for whole layers due to tidying up the code too. It is actually doing a few more calculations to deal with transparency now.
    Plus, I probably rushed the first version a bit, due to forum interest and I was excited about it too! :)

  3. You could try using 'clipwarp' with the overall displacement slider at 0.

    Since the clipboard in Pdn doesn't (currently) allow access to the transparency (alpha) values, it makes more sense (to me atleast) - to copy an opaque image/texture to the clipboard and then apply that to an object layer  - preserving the object layer's transparency.

    I have trouble with the 'Alpha mask' plugin too  :P - especially if there is colour on the mask layer (I assume transparency is expected to be white and opaque, black). Usually I want to 'mask' with only the alpha values - so it gets very confusing if the 'mask' is not simply black text on a transparent (white) layer.
    I'm sure Aaron will do fine with the example shown and WB's instructions though.
    Also, very grateful to Illnab1024 for his clipboard code! - 'clipwarp' wouldn't work without it!

    niwax's 'Apply texture' - (with the brightness slider down) will do the job in the same way as clipwarp too.

  4. Hi Pixey - nice work on the new sig! B)

    Love the grapes, vine leaves, apple and mouse.
    (- bit confused as to what that is behind the mouses head in front of the apple - tail? tendril?)

    Rest of it looks great though, and your gallery works perfectly and loads quickly too!
     (often a problem on other galleries - with my sluggish broadband).

  5. Why not use the grid maker plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=4175
    - on a transparent layer with foreground only checked. Then use it as a guide to line up your objects?

    I think a snap to grid plugin could be very decieving as the anti-aliased pixels around an object mean that edges are not always where they seem to be. So for it to look correct you would need a fine adjustment - so you may as well do it the long way I've suggested and decide if it 'looks' correct.

    Have you tried the align object plugin ? : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=4193

  6. That looks interesting Midora, particularly 'Tabs'.
    'LabelMin' and 'LabelMax' would certainly make it easier to align the words correctly and I like the option to show units too.

    I have a few ideas that may or may not be sensible (I simply don't have the knowledge yet to know how difficult or practical these things are to do using a customU.I.).

    1. I find the 'reset to default' buttons for the trackbars very useful. There doesn't appear to be this function for the checkboxes, drop-down lists or radio buttons - perhaps there could be one 'reset all to default' button for all the controls?
    Aha! - I've just noticed you have included this for checkboxes in your example.

    2. I find the drop-down lists very useful as they save a lot of space on the U.I compared to radio buttons. I wonder if there could be a drop-down list of ckeckboxes too?

    3. Possibly an 'Info' button to show a message box where the plugin author can write basic instuctions?

    Just thought I would suggest these in case they have not already been considered.

    The OptionBased library looks very promising! - thanks for posting the example.

  7. Daniels - please do - I find simply 'playing' with plugins the best way to learn and discover new techniques.

    EER - I should nominate that to the Galeria (but there could be copyright issues) - it does make me chuckle!

    YM - stunning! - great use of the plugin and the image itself is a pleasure - great colours & textures!

    Dug - looking forward to seeing what surreal uses you find for it.

    Pixey - That looks great! - original use of Furblur for the icicles. 'Clever' - I wish! (Null54 is the clever one for getting it working).

    Helen - you can hug me anytime! - looking forward to seeing your results - perhaps some candyfloss trees for your candy house?

    Good to see what you're all creating. :)

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