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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. Hi TR,

    I'm still using 3.5.11 (on Vista), but thought I would try the new version of 'Distort this' but unfortunately no joy - (well I can't find it under the Distort menu as per the code). No plugin load errors - just doesn't show up -  presumably pointing at the 4.5 net framework now?

    I wonder if it might be an idea to have two versions available?

    I think setting the default position vectors to the corners is a good idea (I had altered my old copy already ;)  - thanks for the code!).

    Very useful plugin.

  2. @EER - thanks! :lol:
    "There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know.
    There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know.
    But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know." - Donald Rumsfeld.

    @ MJW - as Midora has described.

    @ Midora - I'm going on what Null54 said in the second post "Strangely the single-threaded OnSetRenderInfo version performs 100x better than the multi-threaded version".

    Personally I find understanding multithreading perplexing and although I can see that it should be possible to make a multithreaded version of Furblur avoiding ROI striping, I haven't got a clue how to do it.
    I get the idea of considering the dst pixel being rendered first and writing the algorithm backwards to the src pixels but I can't see a sensible way to do this for FurBlur. If you have a good idea of the structure of a multithreaded version, I would be interested to see how you would rewrite it.

    Actually I am quite pleased with the speed of Furblur as it is, but I do have another plugin - 'Bevel Object', which I would love to make multithreaded. Perhaps, (when I have tidied up the code and finished some other projects), I may start a thread to attempt this and try to understand multithreading a bit better too.

    Many thanks for your input.

  3. Many thanks scryer52 - sorry for the late reply.

    Hello MJW,
    I had the same thought myself and am working on something based of this code but using the direction and magnitude of the tone gradient to draw the trail/blurs. Here are a couple of preliminary results.

    http://i.imgur.com/ItpVtUq.png http://i.imgur.com/298xiFv.png

    The FurBlur code (Visual studio I'm afraid) is here:http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27013-furblur-roi-random-problems/page-4 - last post has the current code.
    Basically furblur selects a random point then moves out at an angle to draw a blurred line. As it loops out from that point it adds a tiny change to the angle each time, which gives a curve.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hello Davet49 - welcome to the forum,

    You could first try using the Layers/Rotate&Zoom control - built-in to Pdn. Click and drag on the globe Icon.

    Also there are a few plugins that I find useful to do this. Try these:

    TR's Distort this:http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=26672

    Quadrilateral Reshape (in Evan's pack):http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=13003



    • Upvote 1
  5. Hello MJW,

    Codelab always does that - and sets the double vector position boxes to the centre too.

    If you take the code output from codelab, then copy and  paste it into the plugin template for Visual Studio you can then set the initial colors to what you want.

    Have read through this thread if setting up Visual Studio is a problem.



    Best of luck!

    • Upvote 1
  6. PJS1 - welcome to forum,

    Klaxxon is correct.

    1.Add a new layer (not required but good practice) using this icon. :AddNewLayer:(bottom of the layers window)
    2.In the Tools window  on the left click the letter T icon. :TextTool:
    3.Then in the top menu bar you will see the font and font size. Click on the size, enter the new larger size.
    4.Then click on the canvas again and enter your text.

     I have just used Arial at 400 pt, so it can be done!


    (you could also use Pixey's method - press shift when resizing to keep the aspect ratio of the text) ;)

  7. You say it looks correct in Pdn but then looks wrong when viewed with another program?

    Could it be that the other program is not handling .png transparency correctly? - Do you have any .png images that are known to be correct, that you could test the other program with?. Also try testing your png (saved using pdn) in other programs.

    Or is actually printing incorrectly? (perhaps you could test on a small scale?)

    Sorry, I'm no expert, but I know some programs do not show .png transparency correctly - and I have no idea about .tif files. Hopefully you will get more knowledgeable advice later.

  8. Good start to your gallery Oceana.

    Your avatar, gallery banner & sig all match well.
    I particularly like the TV from the kitch logo comp, it has a sort of 50's/60's cartoon feel to it.
    Good results from the tutorials too. :star:

  9. Glad you like changes!

    Pdnnoob, BBQ & yellowman - thanks
    Seerose - Danke! <3

    yellowman - It now tests if the start pixel is above the transparency threshold before doing most of the calculations.
    This makes it much faster for object layers. It may also be slightly faster for whole layers due to tidying up the code too. It is actually doing a few more calculations to deal with transparency now.
    Plus, I probably rushed the first version a bit, due to forum interest and I was excited about it too! :)

  10. You could try using 'clipwarp' with the overall displacement slider at 0.

    Since the clipboard in Pdn doesn't (currently) allow access to the transparency (alpha) values, it makes more sense (to me atleast) - to copy an opaque image/texture to the clipboard and then apply that to an object layer  - preserving the object layer's transparency.

    I have trouble with the 'Alpha mask' plugin too  :P - especially if there is colour on the mask layer (I assume transparency is expected to be white and opaque, black). Usually I want to 'mask' with only the alpha values - so it gets very confusing if the 'mask' is not simply black text on a transparent (white) layer.
    I'm sure Aaron will do fine with the example shown and WB's instructions though.
    Also, very grateful to Illnab1024 for his clipboard code! - 'clipwarp' wouldn't work without it!

    niwax's 'Apply texture' - (with the brightness slider down) will do the job in the same way as clipwarp too.

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