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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. rocky - glad you found it useful!

    Midora - Interesting challenge - I will see if I can come up anything useful - but with your sig, I won't be able to teach you much!
    I did make some general comments in this thread (post 4),http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26297-creating-clouds/

    but the linked examples were only rough experiments.

    Yellowman - thanks! - I found your Youtube Pdn tutorials very informative and innovative - I recommend them to all.

    Xod - Flur blur! - Fur blur! :)
    I can forgive you when you say such flattering things and make such a good job of the tutorial! (that scooner really adds to the scene and a great wave texture too).

    I am very pleased with Fur blur but it would not exist without Null54's help to get it working correctly. I am also grateful to all the advanced programmers that generously share their knowledge, either directly or by leaving source code. Particularly: EER, Midora (above), TechnoRobbo, Boltbait, illnab1024, Madjik, Sepcot and Rick.

    I would recommend that everyone reads Boltbait's codelab tutorials - even if they never write a plugin it is very useful to know how they work.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Rocky - Good work! - thanks for posting.
    I wanted to get people to use rotate and zoom to get a sense of depth into the sea and clouds, and use gradients for 'aerial' perspective - you have achieved that wonderfully!

    Skull - 'tut well executed and aliens installed successfully! :lol: - nice one.


    To all - thanks for giving the tut a go - good results all round!

  3. Hi Kelly,

    I not sure that I really understand the question - but here goes:

    Is this the problem?:
    1. You want to create an object using Custom Brushed Mini(CBM) which you can later apply clipwarp to.
    2. If you use CBM on transparent layer you cannot see where you are drawing.
    3. If you use CBM on a copy of the background layer you cannot seperate what you have drawn into a seperate object.

    Soloution 1: - Ideally Simon Brown would include a way to display the clipboard as a background when using CBM - as Pyro's 'Liquify' does.

    Soloution 2: I have a plugin - which is not perfect! - but may help.
    It should appear under Effects/Advanced and be called 'ClipminusBeta'


    How to use:
    1. Duplicate your backgound.
    2. Use CBM on this duplicated background layer and draw something.
    ( You now have 2 layers which are identical apart from what you have drawn with CBM.)
    3. Copy the original layer to the clipboard - (then, possibly turn off the visibilty so you can see what happens next).
    4. Move to the top layer and run ClipminusBeta on default settings.
    5. You should now have just the bits you have drawn using CBM as objects on a transparent layer and can treat them as in the tutorial.

    (Note: It is not perfect as it will make a pixel transparent if it is the same on both the clipboard and the active layer. If the newly drawn CBM image has exactly the same colours as the image on the clipboard they will be made transparent too.)

    Now you're going to tell me I've completely misunderstood! :lol:

  4. Trevor - great example - thanks for posting!
    I think you may have used a very slightly different setting for Furblur which gives the impression of the waves moving from left to right - great idea - works really well! :star:

    Doughty - absolutely stunning 11/10! B)

    Drew - Thanks for the congrats - looking forward to seeing your take on this! ;)

  5. Ishi - Excellent work! - we are encouraged to give 'constructive critism', but I can't see any obvious mistakes and all the separate elements  work well - so I'll just say well done and wish you a happy new year.

    The Mystical Burrito - great user-name!
    You have matched up the angle of the text with the background very well. Possibly some subtle shading at the base of the trailed letters would help the text sit more naturally on the background? - But generally very impressive!

    I made this entirely with Pdn - experimenting with Furblur to make the sea (quite easy) - Sometimes looking at things for too long skews my judgement - does the sea look at all convincing?
    And yes, it's meant to be bleak and grey - inspired by the stormy U.K. weather!


    • Upvote 3
  6. I really like the new features in v1.2. - excellent update - thank you.

    'Gravity' slider - brilliant!

    The ability to set 'ember color' differently to the 'center' and 'outer' colors makes it easy to select them with the magic wand and copy to a new layer. Further effects can then be added to the 'ember' objects. Very useful!

    Great fun making these - sorry, couldn't resist another :)


  7. I'm useless at explaining but the basic idea is as follows:

    1. Background layer - Gradients galore - black to dark blue.
    2. new layer on top.
    3. Draw some orange lines about 20 px wide - where you want the 'stars'.
    4. Run 'Cobweb' - settings approx like this:
    5. Duplicate layer
    6. Adjustments - brightness/contrast - increase brightness.
    7. Alpha threshold - increase lo threshold - to make the starts smaller
    8. Change the top layer's blendmode to additive and reduce the opacity slightly.
    9. Merge these 2 layers.
    10. Duplicate layer.
    11. Run PointBlur on middle layer with focus fully at the bottom edge and a long blur length ~ 80.
    12. Merge stars layer with trail layer.
    13. I distorted this layer with my own version of 'squirkle warp', but it should be possible with the version in my pack.
    Try these settings:
    14. Duplicate layer
    15. Try using adjustments - Color Balance or Hue/Sat to make it a little redder.
    16. use cobweb again.
    17. set blend mode to additive.
    18. Carry on experimenting - try duplicating a layer and adding a small Gaussian blur to give a glowing effect too.

    Hope that gives you some ideas!

    • Upvote 2
  8. Your image in post 9 is 771 pixels by 936 pixels.
    At 96 pixels per inch (screen quality) that is 8.03 inches by 9.75 inches.(20.40cm by 24.77cm)
    At 300 dots per inch (print quality) it is 2.57 inches by 3.12 inches (6.53 cm by 7.92 cm).

    Wordpad is a strange choice - perhaps try Open office (free) if you don't want to print from paint.net -
    I normally use Word these days.

    Do read 'DPI and you' it will help you.
    The actual size depends on the resolution - we do not know the resolution Wordpad or your printer are using.
    So it is 771 pixels by 936 pixels - the physical size is up to you and your print settings. ;)

    • Upvote 3
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