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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. Perhaps Muphilo wants 4 images on the same canvas?
    If so...

    ( If images all the same size, then like this, If not then more complex)

    1. Open all 4 images.
    2. 1st image. go to Image/Canvas size...
    3. Increase canvas size by percentage 200%
    4. Go to 2nd image, Edit/Select all, Edit/Copy
    5. Go back to 1st image, Edit/Paste into new layer
    6. Drag into position.
    7. Repeat for images 3 & 4
    8. Image/Flatten.

    Hope that is what he meant.


    Good luck muphilo! ;)

  2. Progress report:

    I've changed it to point at the .NET Framework 3.5 (I'm still on Vista).
    Added some reset buttons and played around with the U.I.

    Here is a Beta to try out - all comments useful.


    One thing I've not investigated (haven't touched that code yet) is the Reseed button, which doesn't appear to work as expected?
    Also not sure when to use 'this.' and when not to, in 'ScribbleConfigDialog' for each slider ValueChanged method?

    Seems to work ok anyway! - thanks :)

  3. Null54 - Absolutely stunning - perfect!! Thank you. :trophy:B)
    The .dll behaves exactly as I had hoped and the source code will be a very useful reference for future plugins.
    Clipwarp, FurBlur, Cobweb, now 'Scribble' - none would exist without your generous and knowledgeable help!

    TR - thanks for the useful 'ReadOnlyBoundToValueRule' examples - I think I can see where I was going wrong now. :GlowEffect:

    Seerose - lovely example of what the plugin is capable of - great colours!
    Hopefully I will officially publish this in it's own thread soon. It would be good if you can re-post your picture there, then.

    MJW - It may be worth you starting a new a thread in developer's central to discuss various ways to detect edges and how to use that information in a plugin.

    It could be interesting to see peoples different approaches.


    Edit (my terrible spelling).

  4. Thanks TR for the idea - I think I've explained myself badly!

    In the Furblur thread Midora suggested getting rid of the 'dest' temporary surface. When I tried doing that I found the bug with lasso selections. This one still uses three surfaces (src,dest and dst) and works fine. However I will experiment with your idea - but using 'dst' (as 'dest' won't exist). As MJW points out, using 3 surfaces instead of 2 probably isn't an issue anyway.

  5. Hi MJW,

    One way to detect edges is to call the built in Gaussian blur and then use the difference between the blurred surface and the source surface to define boundaries. You could then prevent an added line being drawn across that threshold.
    It may be worthwhile using the GDI to draw lines (or enclosed shapes) too. That should give you control over the line width.

    Regarding surface and memory, I tend to think - if works on my old computer then there can't be too much wrong with it! - But I tend to use 'sensible' sized canvasses. Some users work as large as possible to hide the jagged effects of non-anti-aliased plugins.(I've written some of them!) :lol:

  6. 'Scribble' is almost finished but I would like to make a couple of improvements if possible.

    It is laid out in a very similar way to both 'FurBlur' and 'Cobweb'. I have two issues:-

    1. Removing the temporary surface 'dest'.

    (As Midora suggested in the Furblur thread).

    I have tried removing the extra surface 'dest' and changing all references to it in 'Render' to 'dst'.

    Also removing the 'dest' Surface declaration and the OnDispose method for it and removing all code from within 'OnRender'.

    Problem: It builds and works fine for whole layers and rectangular selections, however, with an irregular lasso selection it renders to all the enclosing rectangle and 'undo' will only undo the lasso selection, leaving the enclosing rectangle (minus selection) unchanged.?

    Should there be some code within 'OnRender' to limit the effect to what is actually selected?

    Any ideas would be appreciated as a two surface soloution would be tidier.

    However, I don't think using three surfaces is a big problem, as if it is used for an image large enough for memory to be an issue, then it would probably take an age to render.


    2. Presets:

    I have included some presets which simply override the 'property' controls. Meaning the controls move but do nothing - confusing for the user (and the plugin writer!).

    Ideally, the preset would just set the initial default values of the controls. They could then be tweaked by the user. Is this possible?

    If not, then it would be useful to 'gray out' the controls that will have no effect if a preset is used. I suspect this is possible using 'ReadOnlyBoundToValueRule' - but I'm getting lost with the syntax of how to use it. Any help (or code examples)would be much appreciated.


    Below is the .dll to play with (the 3 surface safe version), some example images and the source code.

    Keep a note of any useful settings - I may 'borrow' them!

    Many thanks

    http://i.imgur.com/ifIXMUW.png http://i.imgur.com/BwDqYf5.png http://i.imgur.com/3fgeZZM.png http://i.imgur.com/EYA2KkJ.png http://i.imgur.com/rqjCiYj.png http://i.imgur.com/avRehJH.png http://i.imgur.com/BkBihHg.png http://i.imgur.com/bS3UE1t.png

    http://i.imgur.com/XbIRUta.png http://i.imgur.com/n5NB6PY.png http://i.imgur.com/yKGs6ck.png http://i.imgur.com/FK5s9VK.png http://i.imgur.com/DyRTJKx.png http://i.imgur.com/2Qm776K.png



    The 'code' tags don't seem to be working so here is the zipped CS file


    • Upvote 2
  7. Helen, barbieq, Seerose (cool picture!) and Dug,
    many thanks for taking the time to say thanks,
    ... and don't let the vampires bite tonight!

    & EER - you just posted.
    I've been messing around with this one for a while - kind of trying to get close to Fractalius, but decided to keep it simple.
    I think it works on a similar principle but adding blurs, blend modes etc would have been cumbersome. Plus, I have some ideas for other plugins I'd like to explore.

    Tip: Try running it after Madjik's 'roses' plugin - great fun!


    & NN - I was just about to press post when I saw your reply!

    Looks like you've mastered this one already - thanks for posting.

  8. ZOaF9iG.png
    Useful for artistic effects on photos, unusual text effects, textures and even adding highlight stars to an image.
    It works out the direction of the 'tone gradient' then randomly draws tangents and radiuses.(radii?)

    Found under: Effects/Artistic/Cobweb                    Dll name = Cobweb.

    It is part of my v10 plugin pack here:Red ochre v10 plugin pack
    There are some 'mini tutorials'  and examples below. Generally it is best applied to an image with smooth tone gradients. In other words try running a small Gaussian blur on the start image first. Interesting textures are possible, try using after 'clouds' or DavidF's 'cell texture' plugin.

    Since the simple tone (B + G + R) for black is zero and the tone for a transparent colour is also zero ((eg. 255 + 255 + 255) * 0). You won't get much of a result from black text on a transparent layer. Try black text on a solid white layer and apply a blur first.

    Like 'FurBlur' it can be slow if 'Reps' and 'Length' are set too high.

    Have fun and please post any interesting results and tips back here!


    ikXSLTs.png  Zaze1Fu.png  5dkF34B.png  sy9dX2r.png


    • Upvote 5
  9. Hello eric,

    I too searched google images for 'dispertion, photoshop'. There do seem to be a variety of effects that come under this title. However,the first image led me to a photoshop tutorial that looks like it would be possible to translate into paint.net.

    Here is the link:http://wegraphics.net/blog/tutorials/how-to-create-an-easy-dispersion-effect-in-photoshop/
    You may find the 'custom brushes mini' plugin useful.http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=14845


    and Pyro's 'splatter' plugin http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=8502

    Interesting effect, - perhaps you could post your results back here!

  10. Hi Sand33p
    - re: wiremesh face - could you use Sculptris with the triangles showing?.

    NOT a Sculptris expert but her goes:-

    0. download sculptris.http://pixologic.com/sculptris/emails/operating-system.php
    1. make a face. (loads of stuff on youtube).
    2. W icon - wireframe. set background material color to say red - something different from the wireframe.
    3. use the X icon - 'reduce selected'  a few times till the wireframe looks ok.
    4. save as png and extract the wire frame in Pdn (magic wand away the background or use any edge detect plugin {'Tweak edges ' works}).
    5. Possibly use Pyro's outline object then AAassistant.

    6. etc etc ...

    Only a thought, but I have tried it out and it must be easier than adding line by line?.

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