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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. Hello Inner Demons,

    If you run Highlight on a transparent layer you could then increase the opacity by using my alpha-threshold plugin (in my pack, link in sig).Top slider fully left and lower slider most of the way left.

    This could also be done with trouser flare (though you can barely see it on a transparent layer) - the colours could also be changed using my 'object2colour' plugin - also in the pack.

    By the way if using Highlight try setting the primary and secondary colors before using the plugin.

    Good luck!

  2. Both plugins suggested by EER are very useful.

    Remember real clouds are often at different heights in layers - it can be effective to use the magic wand to erase parts of the clouds generated by the plugins to show the sky behind.
    Also, importantly, clouds like everything else are subject to perspective. To get the more distant clouds relatively smaller, zoom/rotate is useful and for 'aerial perspective' lower the contrast on the most distant clouds. You will be looking through much more atmosphere towards the horizon than you do looking straight up. The atmoshere is full of dust/water vapour that reflects the prevailing colour of the light.
    When beams of light pass into clouds they can illuminate them from within and when they pass through holes in the cloud they can show as 'crepuscular' rays - very dramatic. (crepuscular simply means evening, but that is what the rays are commonly called).

    I don't think you learn anything by just downloading a photo that someone else has taken.However,  looking at photos for reference and trying to work out where the light is going etc. is very useful. And learning about the different types of clouds and the conditions that give rise to them is fascinating too.

    The image you have shown is a very good start. It looks like you are looking almost straight up at the 'silver lining' around the edge of a cloud. Personally I would decrease the brightness of the cloudless area above the silver lining, possibly try a light blue gradient. The body of the cloud is good but looks a little artificial to my eyes, I would be tempted to add some more, very subtle, outlines to echo the shapes of the main outline. But these are only opinions.

    I did some Pdn experiments with clouds, you may find interesting here:


    Also I did this with real oil paints recently (I used Pdn to play with composition ideas before commiting to expensive paint).

  3. Well that's your fault for writing such clear codelab tutorials! :beer: :beer:
    - you've created a Monster! (I've just finished reading Frankenstein).

    I needed/wanted a bevel effect for objects with choices for the lighting angle. So, having written one, it seemed wrong not to share it?
    Bevel selection and the BoltBait pack will always be an essential download, so I don't think you need to worry (yet!).
    Besides that you run the award show ( ...and have the keys to the Galleria   :(  ). :lol:

    • Upvote 1
  4. Daniels & barbieq25,  Thanks for the support! ;)

    I had to include some way of limiting the number of loops. On a solid layer with the depth slider on zero (using full width), it would have been (approximately) looping out to measure the full diameter of the canvas for every pixel, single threadedly and showing nothing on the progress bar. In the first version I accidently ran it on a solid layer and had to use the task manager to close Pdn!  I wouldn't be too popular if I had released that version, but that would have certainly learned 'em good and proper! :lol:

    DrewDale ... great image - makes me think of the summer ... I must go to the seaside this year!
    Cool new sig too. B)

    Sasha ... wonderfully colourful and I like the slight glow too! :star:

    pdnnoob ... cheers mate! ... not too many choices?   ;)   ... I could add some more! :lol:

    Sand33P & skullbonz ... hope you're finding it useful.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hello russy01 - welcome to the forum!


    How did you rotate the layer?

    If you used the move selected pixels tool  :MoveTool: and rightclick/drag, the chances are you have accidentally left it set on pixelated.

    This can be changed to smooth in the quality box.


    If you don't wish to go back and redo the rotation smoothly you could try the 'AA's assistant' plugin.http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=16643


    Hope that helps

  6. Hello World! ;)

    BoltBait has some excellent codelab tutorials here:http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial.asp

    I have thought about a plugin along these lines to help with tessalations - to explore Escherish/Islamic patterns, but decided it was far too difficult for me!
    However I believe it would be possible and a great plugin to have.
    Tiling and reflecting are relatively easy when rectangular but more complex symmetries could be a head-ache.

    Good luck - maybe worth starting a thread in the Developers central section of the forum if you have a beta and need advice.

    If it will help to get you started here is some codelab code for a little tiling/reflecting plugin that I abandoned ... the anti-aliasing when scaling down was getting too problematic.
    Simply unzip the .cs file, open in codelab and build the .dll (then restart Pdn).

    This eventually became Aardvark here Aardvark



  7. Has photobucket been hacked - with their logo upside down ?

    'The corner' - Love it - Magritte would have been proud of the goldfish bowl! - loads to look at - great!
    'Maudlin career' - too scary for me - like the images in that Dali film - still can't watch the eyeball cutting scene.
    'Going down' - that's a very phallic fish :lol:

    Enjoyed the new images - keep it up! ;)

  8. I have noticed an 'oddity' about the built in 'Median' effect.

    If it is run on a layer with a solid object surrounded by transparent pixels, it increases the alpha of the transparent pixels by one. Is this intentional?
    The 'transparent' alpha is effected all over the layer, not just close to the object where I would expect a change.
    The alpha increases by 1 each time the effect is run. (testing with the color picker tool).
    Try running it on a completely transparent layer and test the alpha after.

    The reason this is relevant is that other plugins (yes mine!), speed effects up by simply copying over pixels with alpha == 0 and only processing if alpha is greater. It affects BoltBait's 'Transparency' plugin too and may affect the other Object type plugins.


    Pdn v 3.5.10, Vista (up to date).


    And yes I don't know the difference between 'effect' and 'affect' :D

  9. Hello 'devadip', Welcome to forum.
    This plugin, called ' Shape 3D', should help you : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=18968

    It has many options for wrapping a surface around a sphere or ellipsiod ... and many other option too.


    You will find instructions on how to install it here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1708-how-to-install-pluginsgeneral-plugin-troubleshooting-thread/


    Hope that helps!

  10. Hello Oxthrobn - welcome to the forum,

    I believe plugins are not allowed to access layers other than the currently active one (highlighted blue).
    Some plugins can get around this 'legally' by reading the clipboard image, but what you suggest would be down to Rick Brewster (the author of Pdn).

    Best workaround would be to save the Pdn file, then flatten, select and save what you want as a seperate file.
    Then either undo or re-open the unflattened Pdn file.

    Hope that helps

  11. Hello guix,

    200 views and no replies simply means 200 people do not know the answer - including myself.
    My first thought would be a corrupt or badly written font - but you say it works fine in Photoshop - so probably not that then?
    I sometimes get odd things happening with fonts in Pdn when working on very large files or using very large font sizes.
    Does the font work correctly on a standard size image (800 by 600 pix?).

    Does it work correctly in other Windows programmes?

    Other than that, I suggest you keep looking back at this thread - maybe someone more knowledgeable will respond.

  12. Hello ddunleavy2,


    If you have downloaded 'crappy' toolbars, chances are you have downloaded the wrong thing, unfortunately.

    Take a look at this thread - the post by 'Pdnnoob' shows which button you should be clicking to get the correct download.


    I should uninstall the bloatware first and do a virus scan too.

    Hope that helps.

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