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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. Good. Sorry, I thought they were Drop Shadows.
  2. Cool! What is it? BTW, I am working on something new as well.
  3. Wow, these are pretty nice!
  4. I don't like the first, but the second is cool.
  5. I like this tutorial, I might use it in a future signature.
  6. Yes, they are both top notch sigs, but I have to go with L3ron as well, looks really neat. L3ron - 2 Punishr - 0 Punishr, it is very nice signature.
  7. I second you there. I was thinking at first he just took a picture, but he wouldn't do that, he has the skills to make those kind of things anyway.
  8. Love the bug image, not much to say about the spaceship...
  9. Wow, nice and organized gallery. Only thing I can really suggest is to make it where the drop shadows do not get cut off at the end of the picture. Nice gallery!
  10. Please wait until this battle is over.
  11. Wow possum, really nice! I really like the texture.
  12. Cooltew - 1 Csm - 0 CSM, it is a little weird, nothing compared to some of you previous signatures. Cooltew, not as good as your current, but still is nice.
  13. Ptuz: 1 Siddek: 0 Ptuz, your's is pretty cool. I like it. Siddek, your's has a bit of jaggies. (Around the planets) I like the text effect you always do though!
  14. Not too crazy about the racoon, but the fan is really nice!
  15. From what I understand, you are to make a plant, not something in them. I will ask Trine.
  16. Himself: 1 Razah: 0 Himself, yours has a nice concept, but is simple. Razah, your's is really simple, and it is really AA'd. Plus, the animation hurts my eyes.
  17. Texture of the Week The theme is: Plants! Hosted by: Chrisco97 The Winner is: Yellowman! Second place goes to: Possum Roadkill Third place goes to: j.d.melek Congrats to everyone who participated, and winners check your inbox for a surprise! Hidden Content: PlantsChosen by Trine0 -------------------------------------------------------------- For this week's competition, Trine0 has chosen a really challenging theme: Plants! You are to make a texture for a part of a plant. For instance, this could be bark or a leaf, and it's up to you to choose if it should be from an oak, palm or bamboo. Some pictures for inspiration: Birch Bark, Oak Bark, Leaf. As always, no stocks or renders can be used, must be 100% Paint.NET! But, you can use brushes, as long as they are not of an object. (I.E. Cat, Building) And you must post your starting texture, then you can make something out of it. Deadline for this competition: June 9th at 11:59 PM -------------------------------------------------------------- Texture of the Week Rules! If your entry breaks any of these rules, it will be disqualified. -------------------------------------------------------------- The maximum size for your image is 800x600. If it is bigger, post a thumb or link instead of the full sized image. Texture must follow the set theme. Only one entry per person and no modifications to your image are allowed after submitting your entry. No renders or stocks are allowed. You may use brushes, as long as they are not object brushes. (I.E. Cat or Building) You are allowed only ONE post in this thread. This post should include your entry. Placeholders are not permitted. When submitting your entry, do not submit one you have made before this competition. The winner of the current Texture of the Week gets to choose the theme for the next one! ------------------------------------------------------------- This thread is for posting your entries only! Which means you can not have conversation here. ------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to talk about the competition, or one of the entries, you can do so here. If a comment or other non-entry post is mistakenly made in this thread, it will be moved without penalty to the discussion thread. Just don't be surprised when it magically jumps over there. ------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck to all and thanks for participating!
  18. No, he doesn't. But it looks pretty close to Sharp's Line Signature tutorial... I love it though, great job.
  19. #winner Sokagirl Yay!!! So glad you won, told you you could do it!
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