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Everything posted by chrisco97

  1. Wow, this is hard to choose... Sokagirl: 2 Mr. Bobert: 0 Sokagirl, you really did great on that sig. Would look great as your current. Mr. Bobert, it is so nice, but as csm said, it would be nice to see a 100% PdN sig from you. But, still looks good!
  2. Thanks for posting them, I would say with some AA, it would look so professional!
  3. I agree with goonfella, your's has the best outcome!
  4. Results are up! Thanks to everyone who voted and participated!
  5. Good to see you back! And whatever your problems are, I hope everything goes well.
  6. Siddek: 1 himself22: 0 Himself, it looks wierd. The gold doesn't really look nice on the plain whit background. Siddek, pretty nice for a n00b. (Just kidding, ) I like it, especially the shape in the middle. Nice job!
  7. Nice, but not near as good as the rest of your latest.
  8. Wow - I made one a while back, but I am trying this out for sure!
  9. Wow...triple post! Anyway, Here is what I think of each image: First: Really, really awesome! Love the gold used in the background. Second: Nice, but the top of the device looks wierd, do not know exactly why. Otherwise, another great image! Third: Like the texture used, but the shadow is pixelated on the bottom, and the top right of the stone is also pixelated. Worst of the three. (No offense, of course) I hope I helped, and you are really improving!
  10. Wow, interesting how it works! Anyhoo, ( , Had to say it!) Love it!
  11. I like it, but the text hurts my eyes when I try to read it.
  12. I like the sig you entered in the Sig Battles!
  13. Wow, punishr's does need some AA, but it is a nice concept, compared to just grunge text. Therefore, I vote for Punishr. Sorry csm725! Punishr:2 CSM: 2
  14. Wow, both are great sigs, but I have to go with Weylin on this one, very simplistic, yet awesome. Cooltew, you are growing as an artist, and are getting great, but Weylin's is a tad better. Weylin: 3 Cooltew: 0 #winner Weylin
  15. Sorry, it is up now. I have been so busy lately!
  16. I love it, looks so real.
  17. Me and my friend also did that, we would play like checkers. Now, I am a chess expert.
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