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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. @ Chad...elaborate on what I have learnt? :lol:

    @ YY10...like the sigs we did on Good & Evil, they sometimes merge. Sometimes good things can come from an unpleasant experience.

    Save the .pdn as small as possible (low res) or if you can, get an external storage device such as a flash or USB stick, or even burn it to CD/DVD.

    One thing I did the other day was to enlarge the history window & take a screen shot & dump it into a layer. This way at least I will remember what I did & will have to guess at the settings.

    Something I read recently: We must learn from other people's mistakes because we will not live long enough to make them all ourselves. It cracked me up & is so true.

  2. I am very disappointed & quite dismayed that this has turned into something so ugly.

    Please do not retract your entry. I am happy to put it down to a misunderstanding. Perhaps the rules should be elaborated on so that everyone is aware of what is required.

    At uni, we had to be super careful to list our sources, not only for quotes but ideas too.

    This should have been fun & a chance to learn from each other.

    Guess what I learnt?

  3. Hmm, not sure if I have seen anything like that. I doubt there is a quick way to do it.

    Best I can suggest is working in a fairly transparent colour, having a bottle such as you'd like in front of you & adding the highlights & shadows that you see there.

    Perhaps looking at tutes such as glassy vases, glass of juice or drink (cannot recall the name) & Helen's Galaxy balls might help with the tech bits. Helen's work is a good place to start & Yellowman's work too. You should be able to gain some insights as to doing highlights etc.

    Sorry that I cannot help any more than that.

  4. Hello & welcome.

    The red shoes look great. The sig with the pink background is cool. Some nice effects in there. Also the random pic is a great start.

    I can see that you have been experimenting with the program. I found it useful to try some of the tutes. Not only can you make some really cool things but you learn how things work too. Better than just experimenting on your own.

    If you need help with something specific, please ask. Most of us are more than happy to help.

    Hope to see more from you & again, welcome!

  5. @yy10...this is a very busy place...easy to miss things. Glad you like my works. Entered the sig comp too though I think I missed the point a bit.? Like it maybe should have had Good vs Evil in the sig? Anyway, should be fun.

    @Chad, hey dude, those marbles look ever awesomer! You've really done a fine job on them. Pat on the back for you.

    I was going to do some cogs & try out the blood spatter as rust but apart from making my own stock, all the rest is too jaggy. So slipping this one on the back burner. I want to do more cogs tho!

    In the meantime, working on dragonflies. Planning on a scarab beetle. Need to work out how to get it irridescent. Thinking on this one.

  6. Just Night Hill is good. Thingy give the impression that it is not worthy of a proper name.

    Your image is good & I thought the name minus the thingy bit was very appropriate & refreshing from other names one might give it such as "Night" or "Hill at Night".

    Keep up the good work!

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