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Everything posted by W@@dy

  1. I learned a lot here O_o Also, there's a .png lossless compression plugin floating around here somewhere if you're interested. Definitely don't do .jpg, I learned that after a few months of use. It losses quality, and just ends up looking blurry compared to .png files
  2. Vista 32bit is limited to 4gigs on all versions, however 64bit offers up the 128gb (thats the super uber commercial edition though). Even win7 is limited to 4gigs on 32bit. It doesn't feel like this size should be an issue with memory, but I guess it is. You're options then would be to break it into smaller pieces, or basically get a new computer that supports 64bit. Unfortunately, a 64 bit OS would require a 64 bit processor, which would require a new motherboard most likely, and that could affect your RAM and any other component inside your PC as well. If you have the mulah, or dive to build your own PC, I'd definitely advise it because PDN 4.0 will support Win7 only, so the upgrade would be good. Plus building PC's is just uber fun. Building your own PC could be cheaper, especially if you customize it so that you can use some parts that are currently in your PC (HardDrive, CD Drives, Video Card, Tower, Power Supply etc etc.). Ultimately, if you go for the right parts you may only have to pay for a new processor and Motherboard (and the upgrade to a new OS (I'd suggest Win7 64bit)). If you go for win7, you may be able to get a discounted version through a college if you know someone. E.g. my college sells all Windows products for 95% off, so a win7 upgrade is $14 instead of $110 or w/e it is. Also, Ego, I did not know x64bit also handled memory better. Thanks for the knowledge
  3. Nifty! Here's a tip I've used for zombie-like rotting flesh, try placing a layer of clouds (with roughness set decently high) on a new layer, then set the filter to something like 'Color Burn'/'Color Dodge' or 'Difference' I can't remember exactly what I did, it was some sort of setting like that. I probably did multiple layers of clouds with 'Overlay' filters and the sorts Here's a pic to give you an idea of what it looks like (the trex thing is the focus) Edit: PM me for the pic actually. Odd picture, I know. It was an odd request to be fair >_> I never really did anything more with zombie like stuff, so if you have more I'd love to see them
  4. Ninja, can you make a guide/walkthrough of those animated Matrix style pics? I love the style of the warping and static and would really love to know how to do something like that
  5. Sorry, I don't understand. Is that your suggestion for him to help the problem? How would 64 bit help? I thought that just meant faster computing. ..or does faster computing mean more data can be handle simultaneously therefore less data needs to be stored into a cache while waiting for the processor?... You're right, he didn't specify which OS he's using. Now that I think of it, if he is using Windows XP then he David would be right in that he would have to separate the image into smaller chunks because XP only supports 4Gb RAM maximum.
  6. Custom brushes could work I suppose, but I think placing arrow-lines back to front would be better since you could at least curve the lines more than a custom brush could
  7. D: happens with you're 'ScriptLab' Plugin too I hope there's an easy fix for this, I was going to use that to automatically adjust over 300 pictures D: Seems to give the same error code. Hope you can fix it soon mate. I can survive until then. Too lazy to revert back a version lol
  8. What if he grabbed a Flash Drive and set it up for ReadyBoost? I don't see why yours can't make a second layer while mine can. It might be worth checking out your memory usage before opening PDN, after opening PDN (With 800x600 image), and after opening the file you're working on (the massive one). That might reveal where all the memory gets sucked up. If you're running any other programs while doing this, that might be the problem too. For me, running win7 I only hit 2.3 Gb of RAM being used with both layers created (each layer costing ~300Mb of RAM), I also have my web browser running with two tabs. So...unless you have like 50 windows open, I don't exactly see where the issue lies. Perhaps a lack of swap space? I'd really suggest a Flash Drive using ReadyBoost in that case (well actually I'd suggest a larger HD as the best solution, but ReadyBoost as a good temporary solution)
  9. I was actually thinking the same exact thing a few days ago. I made a map, and was using arrowed lines to express path movement across it, and wanted exactly what you're talking about. I think the reason no one has thought/done this is because the arrows aren't used all that often. For now you have to just make a bunch of individual lines, snapped end to front to get the same effect, but that's time consuming, and affects the 'flow' of the line you're making
  10. >_> I searched for that name and came up with nothing. No biggy, names are simple to change. It is pretty similar, except that it uses a range. No problem, this is just the beginning and exactly why I put this here. Next two things I'll shoot for then is to make it skip around an object it doesn't match with, and then antialias that object. Edit: I've been thinking about it for a long while, and I can't figure out the best method to work around an object. For example I want to remove black, but there's a circle in the image filled with black, outlined with white. How would I go about removing all the black on the outside of the circle? The only way I can imagine doing it is to make two loops, one that travels left to right, thens stops when it hits a color it doesn't want. Then repeat going right to left, and stopping on a color it doesn't want. That seems unnecessary, lengthy, and buggy though. It would cause issues in objects that aren't closed shapes as well... Hmm...any tips on how to approach this? I don't exactly need code, but just a method to solve the problem. Or name a plugin that does something similar that I can look into
  11. I made my first plugin, and it seems to have potential, something I wasn't expecting O_o It takes colors, and changes them to a different alpha level of your choice. It was inspired by "Grim Color Reaper", one of (what I think) the most useful plugins out there. However it was always lacking in some regards, and I think this covers them. Or rather, this is a start in that direction. It can remove any color you want (Color wheel for UI), with a tolerance level as well to provide some flexibility. Additionally, you can make the tolerance slider make the entire image 0 alpha (not terribly useful, I agree, but available). The tolerance level also gives the plugin a third, unintentional, feature; allowing you to remove any color except the one you have selected. This is done by setting the tolerance level to 254 (each number represents 1 rbg value), then changing the RBG values in the color wheel to what you desire, and repeat up to twice to remove all colors you don't want. This is best explained with pictures. I don't mean for this to be a guide, or tutorial. Just a means to explicitly explain what this plugin can do so I can receive feedback. The last two options I haven't mentioned are the "Finalized Alpha" slider and that checkbox. "Finalized Alpha" simply controls what alpha level you convert your colors to. The checkbox was a last minute "Hey that sounds neat" idea. Checking it disables the plugin, reverting your canvass back to it's original form, before the plugin affected it. This is so you can get a good look at how you're affecting your image, before clicking "Okay" I thought it was a nice touch, instead of having to alternate between Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y after applying the plugin. As it stands...it's more or less an over elaborate magic wand tool, except it doesn't make selections and applies globally. I'd like to make it start antialiasing things after it changes to alpha and maybe affect semi-transparent pixels, but I haven't even looked into that yet. Any tips as to where to start? As in, should I just make it depend on another plugin, or code the antialiasing myself (I have no idea how to do that lol) And thoughts on this? Is it worth continuing? Oh, also, I set this to Effects>Color. I read the rules for plugin placement...but it all went over my head >_> so if I did a no-no, could you point it out? I don't really know what "Effect's Render/OnRender" are, so I'm hoping I don't have to worry about messing it, but what do I know. http://www.mediafire.com/file/d6yuyl022o2rr5t/ColortoAlpha.dll (first time sharing with mediafire, I hope this works)
  12. O: That's an idea. Not quite sure why I didn't think of it... Save it as a new file, then delete the layers I don't need. I'd still like to see this as a feature some time though It would be great to be able to just copy a layer from 1 project to another without having to reapply settings. Thanks for the tip mate. As simple as the solution was, I was scratching my head
  13. I've got a large project with an object that's dependent on a multitude of layers (over 17). I don't want to flatten them because it's a large no no, and with they way the whole image is setup, idk if it's possible. I want to just copy all the layers into a new .pdn file and save it separately so I can experiment with flattening without wrecking the big picture, as well as just having it for versatility for use in future projects. So is there any way to copy an entire layer over? I don't mean magic wand it over to a new project (I just tried that.). I need all the settings with the layer, the opacity, filter settings, Title etc etc. Pasting it over won't work since a lot of layers have filter settings like Overlay and the such. I tried manually reapplying the settings, but there's so many different layers it's virtually impossible to figure which one needs which settings. It would be easier if AT LEAST the layer titles were transferred over, that way I could at least figure out which layers I'm looking at between the two projects, but I haven't figure a way to do it yet. So is there any way to do this? Or any alternative? And if not can it be added to a 4.X version? I think this would be a killer feature. I can think of a few other occasions I'd really appreciate this.
  14. Dear god that's massive. However I just tried those same settings and successfully created a new layer myself. 4 Gigs of RAM as well. Idk how it's only 8.3Mb though. My file is over 200Mb just after creation, 577Mb with the second layer Edit: That sounds like a pretty cool project though. Be sure to check out a DPI guide so you don't waste a ton of ink by accidentally printing something blurry
  15. *facepalm* I jumped to conclusions and misread the post. Entirely my bad. I have two plugins that can do something like that, ironically they are both named the same exact thing, but give different results. Both are called "Outline Object" I'm not sure where I got them from though, or how to tell you to find them since they both have the same name. To outline them, you will Definitely need the heron on a separate layer though
  16. Dang. Now that, I don't think is possible, however I've never actually tried. So it Might be possible Here's a few options if it isn't though 1) You could zoom in to the corner, thereby making it easier to slowly adjust the size pixel by pixel 2) You could copy your selection and paste it into a new canvass, then use the resize option so you could manually enter in exactly how big you want it. Then copy and paste it back into your original canvass
  17. You're absolutely right to give a quick answer that gets the job done. It was always my experience/desire to have something that worked and looked professional though, not like the sharp jagginess the magic wand sometimes leaves. Magic wand can be really good, if used right. That's something that takes a bit of experience to figure out. Simply over time you just learn how to use it best by adjusting the "Acceptance" value (I forget the true name sorry, it's the blue bar at the top)
  18. He wasn't yelling at you mate. He was exclaiming how obvious the answer was and how he couldn't figure it out on his own. It was a giant facepalm but in words. Also, something better than the "Magic Wand tool" is a plugin called "Grim color reaper" which can change any selected color into pure transparency.
  19. That took me sooooo long to figure out. But when I did, the doors of heaven opened up for me lol
  20. What's the difference exactly? You said light and value, what's the difference between the two?
  21. I run into this issue A LOT, and the solution tends to change a bit per image. Would you care if I gave a crack at it myself and posted my results? If this is going to be for something commercial, I'm not going to want any credit or royalty or w/e. But the way I'd suggest going at it is putting each piece into a different layer. However, that's assuming you have each of those pieces (the heron, the red sunrise, black circle+text) separate from each other, or are at least able to separate them. Then place each of those items in this order (lowest layer to highest): Sunrise>Black Circle+Text>Heron I would then either stretch the sunrise outwards a bit, or extend it using a line tool. A line tool would give you better quality, and would be the first thing I try. I would extend it so that the black circle on the layer above is covering the edges of the sunrise. The Circle+Text will need to have a transparent background so the sunrise can be seen through it. If it doesn't have a transparent background, then you could use the "grim color reaper" effect to remove all white from that layer (the circle+text MUST be separate from the Heron and sunrise for this) And actually...I'd also use the "grim color reaper" effect on the Heron as well, removing all white. That should work. If it doesn't, I'd probably just manually erase the white using an eraser tool. Time consuming, but can give good results when done right Btw I do like the look of it so far If you do want me to try it myself and there are separate layers, could you send me the .pdn file?
  22. That would be the way I'd do it for this image. Since there's no read in the skull, you could safely use the grim color reaper to remove all the red on the outside, and the recolor tool will create better results than a magic wand tool because it will change the antialiased black from the skull
  23. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it This is incredibly simple, hardly a tutorial more of a "Dude, check this out", however there are a few prerequisite plug-ins and I kinda enjoy reading tutorials to find new techniques so why break the flow. Required Plugins: Lattice, Dents (Although I think that's integrated into PDN now) Step 1: Get an empty canvass and use the "Lattice" plugin (it's under 'Render') Step 2: Use the "Dents" plugin and set the bars called "Roughness" and "Tension" all the way to the right Step 3: Your done. lol Effectively you're done, but you have a few options. You can mess around with the other bars, like "Refraction" and "Quality", both give different results. Changing "Scale" doesn't really do anything positive to the effect in my experience. I'd suggest putting an Overlay of a yellowish color if you want to make it more papyrus looking, but as it stands it's definitely a rough paper. Here are some results, I didn't bother to do that yellow overlay because I'm tired and I think that's easy enough for anyone to do on their own. Roughness and Tension are maxed out Roughness and Tension maxed out, as well as Quality set to 5 Subtle difference in smoothness (obviously(lol irony)) Edit: After staring at it longer, I bet you could throw some blue overtop and it would make a nice Jeans pattern, no?
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