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Everything posted by APShredder

  1. I'm willing to enter, but just one question. Can we use C4Ds and renders?
  2. If you go into the Line/Curve Tool ( :LineCurveTool: ), you have the option to choose how how the line ends. Just pick one of the two arrow options.
  3. That's an easy one! Just go to Layers --> Import From File.
  4. To change your password: 1.) Go to "User Control Panel". 2.) Go to "Profile". 3.) Go to "Edit Account Settings". 4.) Fill out the forms that say "New Password" and "Confirm Password". After that you should be all good. Hope this helps.
  5. Well I made this one a while ago, the edges really needed some reworking, and I tried to fix them but I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?
  6. What kind of shadow? You really need to be more specific in order for anyone to help you.
  7. You may want to try the Selective Palette plugin, which is part of Ed Harvey's Plugin Pack.
  8. 1.) Ignore the part about the pen tool. Just use the line tools to surround the object you're trying to cut out. 2.) Make sure that your make your outine on a seperate layer. If you did make sure you're on that layer when you use the magic wand. :wink: Hope this helps.
  9. Outline Object #1 --> viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5715 Outline Object #2 --> viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol
  11. Sorry to tell you, but this plugin already exists. :? viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26379
  12. Use the recoloring tool . Just set your primary color to what you want the color to be changed to, and your secondary color to what the color already is. Hope this helps.
  13. You can probably just skip that step and it would still come out the same. (I think...)
  14. Websites I like to use for fonts: dafont.com 1001 Free Fonts My Fonts
  15. Try this: 1.) Open you image in Paint.NET. 2.) Duplicate( :DuplicateLayer: ) your image. 3.) Change the bottom layer to black and white ( ). 4.) On the top layer run the Color To Alpha plugin with your desired settings. Color To Alpha Plugin --> viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22215 This should give you your desired effect. Hope it helps.
  16. You need to donwload a program that can open .rar files (.rar files are similar to .zip files). Most people use winRAR for .rar files, but it's only free for the first 40 days and then you have to buy it. But for your purposes you could just download it, use it to unzip the .rar file, and then uninstall it. Hope this helps.
  17. You may want to check out the Displacement and Alpha Mask plugin, if you haven't already. :wink:
  18. Don't forget to zoom out to 100% to see what it's actually going to look like. :wink:
  19. Just download the brushes and put them in the Custom Brushes folder in your Paint.NET User Files folder in My Documents.
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