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Everything posted by flip

  1. Well, to tell you the truth, the outcome isn't that good, which is why people aren't posting that many outcomes.
  2. Thanks. Now that you got the technique down, how about you try different textures and stuff.
  3. When you blur the outside of the planet, you don't want anything selected. After it's done blurring, select the outside of the planet and press delete on the blurred layer. Make sense? Or more clarification.
  4. Post a screenshot on what you're getting, and maybe I can help more.
  5. You :GaussianBlur: it. Fill in OUTISDE of the planet, and then select the outside and delete it...
  6. PIPP92 WINS CONGRATS! Theme: RENDER Rules: - You have to make a wallpaper with Paint.net. - The theme is RENDER; wallpapers with renders in it. Google "renders" for some. - Min. size is 640x480. There is no max. size. - You cannot use renders OR C4Ds, or any other stocks of any kind. - When you post, post the DIRECT LINK to the image. - First 10 entries are counted, and all others are ignored. Enter fast! - You cannot enter something that you've already made. Start from scratch. - This thread is only for submitting. For questions, comments, and whatever, go here. Entrants: Sarkut barbieq25 Aislin pipp92 Leonte olav.k.m Darkshock Axle Briamoth
  7. This is actually a pretty cool effect. Nice thinking.
  8. Or just try making it in PDN. It's possible.
  9. Oh, I think I know what you mean. Try adjusting the transparency of the layer by pressing F4 and turning down the transparency.
  10. I don't think it's very good. If it was good, it would get a lot more attention.
  11. I'm going to re-do this tutorial. I've found a lot of different ways to make textures, and better 3d effects.
  12. Thanks. Here's another planet I made.
  13. Can you show is a link of what it would look like? Or just the image?
  14. The first one is too :AntiAliasingOff: Plus, it might be too big.
  15. That's really good. I'd suggest trying to make each sign a little different, but still really really nice job. 100% PDN.
  16. Wow cool text and awesome background. Did you make that background 100% PDN?
  17. Thanks everyone. Update. Oh and check out my site. The link is in my sig. It isn't visually pleasing, but it has almost all my work on it, and it's updated sooner than my gallery is.
  18. You can use the align object plugin. I meant to say that in my post, sorry.
  19. It's good, but try making your own original stuff.
  20. Where can I get the older version of paint.net? I noticed the difference and I need some smooth text.
  21. I don't understand why you use shape3d. Why not just make a circle?
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