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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. Entry period extended until 11:00 p.m. EST July 4th.
  2. No that's OK. I'm extending the deadline until tonight at 11:00 p.m. I didn't have a chance to post a message last night. Keep the entries coming !
  3. WOTW # 21 ROUND 2 !!! Giant Invasion. Winner is Pdnnoob ! See the last post in this thread for details! POLL IS UP ! VOTE NOW ! VOTING PERIOD ENDS FRIDAY EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Voting Rules ! Vote for the image you think is the best. If you know who made an image, do not tell others who made it. You have only one vote. Entrants, you may vote for your own image if you wish. NEW VOTING RULES ! YOU MAY VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE ENTRY ! TOP ENTRY WINS ! ! SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME ! GO TO THE DISCUSSION THREAD FOR MORE INFO ! Round 2 Rules are the same as Round 1, except you will need to PM me your entry. You cannot enter the same image as you entered in Round 1. WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. All images must be submitted as a thumbnail link to the full size image. DO NOT POST FULL SIZE IMAGES! Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not look at it. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program. NO PLACEHOLDERS Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS ! Obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. As stated in the WOTW rules, you must provide a link to any and all stocks or renders used. Special rule # 5. Do not anger the Possum. WOTW # 21 Giant Invasion. - Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is "Giant Invasion" Remember all those B grade movies in the 1950’s and 60’s where they had giant creatures attacking cities and towns? Giant Mantis, Spiders, Possums, Lizards, Moths, running amok and creating havoc for people all over the world. Yeah, that’s what I want ! You are to make an image that shows GIANT whatever(s) in a cityscape, landscape seascape or wherever you want. You can use any kind of animal or creature you want. You can use any amount of stock photos you want. You can add lettering, explosions, or any other effects, or anything else you want. This is all about the GIANT things ! Do not discuss this competition in this thread. If you have questions, comments or general comments about this comp, post them in the discussion thread HERE Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Tuesday evening (July 6th 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in this thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  4. OK we have a problem. Here is how the voting stood at 7:00 p.m. Pdnnoob 10 votes Sarkut 5 votes Epic Epiphany 5 votes Possum Roadkill 5 votes Barbieq 4 votes JD Melek 4 votes Soooooo, we have 3 tied for second and 2 tied for third. How about this, I'll drop out (I'm on vacation this week and will be away from my computer a lot) and we'll let the remaining 5 slug it out in the next round? Winner take all! Here is what I want to do. Please PM me with your next round entry and I'll put up the poll Tuesday night after 8:00 p.m. We are going to use the secret ballot so no one knows who made which image. So don't tell anyone what you made and don't post it in any of the forums here. OK? Ready, set, go !!!!
  5. No voting is done in the normal way. The only difference is you can vote for more than one entry if you choose to do so.
  6. Space Art Competition #4 MAJOR CHANGE TO THIS COMP ! READ THE RULES ! THEME IS: Everything SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. Minimum size is 800 X 600. Maximum size is 1600 W X 1200 H NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Everything Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting anything (Everything) about space that you desire. NO STOCKS OR RENDERS ! You may however, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread HERE The Entry period for this competition run through Friday evening (July16th, 2010) at 7:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  7. Space Art Competition #4 Winner is Possum Roadkill, 2nd Place is Jerry533482, 3rd is a tie between L3ron and Barbieq25 MAJOR CHANGE TO THIS COMP ! READ THE RULES ! THEME IS: Everything SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. Minimum size is 800 X 600. Maximum size is 1600 W X 1200 H NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Everything Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting anything (Everything) about space that you desire. NO STOCKS OR RENDERS ! You may however, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread HERE The Entry period for this competition run through Friday evening (July16th, 2010) at 7:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  9. POLL ENDS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 7:00 P.M. EST (Eastern Standard Time) ! VOTE NOW !!!! Round 2 is underway !
  10. Congrats Noobster ! Awesome image !
  11. Very nice wall texture. I hope your brains don't look like that ! It would make a great alien brain texture though.
  12. Love the Impossible Triangle. I ran across a site with a whole bunch of that kind of stuff when I was researching the AOTW "Hidden Images". Simply amazing style of art. You did a great job on this piece. Beautiful textures and perfectly drawn.
  13. Winner is Possum Roadkill ! Runner up is Hexratt ! I'll have a theme together in a day or so. I'm thinking about changing things up a little thanks to some suggestions I have recently received. Hold on to your hats, it could get interesting.
  14. Poll closed. Winner is Possum Roadkill. Hey, that's me ! I'll have a theme chosen in a day or so. We might try something a little different on this next one, so it might take a couple of days to set it up. Must think !
  15. The Onion http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/TheOnion.png
  16. It's with a heavy heart that I have posted the poll. With only four entries, the poll will close on Monday night. Vote now ! I honestly thought there would be more entries.
  17. NEW VOTING RULES ! YOU MAY VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE ENTRY ! TOP THREE ENTRIES QUALIFY FOR ROUND 2 ! SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME ! GO TO THE DISCUSSION THREAD FOR MORE INFO ! OK, here is what I want to do. Since this was so much fun, and we had such clever and imaginative entries, you can vote for more than one entry. The top three vote getters will go on to the next round, the SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME ROUND. The three top entrants will have four days to create a new entry for submission or re-enter their first found submission for the next vote. The winner of the 2nd round will have not only to honor to choose the next theme, but also design the banner for the WOTW Comps.
  19. Yes, your's does qualify. And is very awesome !
  20. Me too. I can see the thumbnail, but when I click on it, I don't get the image. Could you use the Direct Link code from Photobucket and use the Thumbnail mod in the Other Styles menu? That always works for me.
  21. Yes, I have had that same problem. It's a great program to experiment with. I could make the nebulae without it, but it does add a little something different into the mix. @ Chrisco, you have made some really great fractal works ! I have just made a major update to my gallery's new works section on page 1. I got a little behind on updating it so I have added 14 recent pieces I have done over the past few months. Hope you enjoy.....
  22. This is an image manipulation I did that was inspired by a tut I saw on a Gimp tutorial site. http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp41/PossumRoadkill/Possum%20Art/SinCityPossum_PdN_Sepia.png
  23. That depends. You can use any plugin you wish as long as the object is made up of layers. Like I said in the rules, layers of soil, layers of rock, layers of a cake. If you use the trails plugin and it creates layers of something, then that would be acceptable. Look up the word stratification and see if that helps you understand.
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