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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. As you might have noticed, I have put up the comp for the WOTW awards creation comp. I hope all of you will enter so we can have some great awards created to vote on and have the best awards ever !
  2. WOTW Awards Creation Comp WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. Minimum size is 150 X 150 (avatar size). Maximum size is 150 X 300 (sig size). The intent is that these will be awarded to the winners of the comp. WOTW Awards Creation Comp Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is " WOTW Awards Creation Comp " I want to change the awards that are given to the top three winning entries for the WOTW comp. I think it is only fitting that the awards be designed by and voted on by the members of this forum. So, I would like for you to enter awards for each of the place rankings, 1st is blue or gold, 2nd is red or silver, and third is green or copper. You can make the awards the size of an avatar or the size of a sig (see size limitations above). You may use text or any other effect found in Paint.net including image modification. DO NOT Post your entries in this thread. PM your entries to me and I will post them as they come in. Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Friday evening (December 10th, 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in the Discussion Thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  3. WOTW Awards Creation Comp Since the poll form will not allow enough characters to display all three awards (1st through 3rd) from each entrant, please review the entire award set from each entrant on the entry post below before casting your vote ! POLL IS UP ! VOTE FOR THE AWARD YOU LIKE BEST! POLL CLOSES WEDNESDAY DEC. 15th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. Minimum size is 150 X 150 (avatar size). Maximum size is 150 X 300 (sig size). The intent is that these will be awarded to the winners of the comp. WOTW Awards Creation Comp Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is " WOTW Awards Creation Comp " I want to change the awards that are given to the top three winning entries for the WOTW comp. I think it is only fitting that the awards be designed by and voted on by the members of this forum. So, I would like for you to enter awards for each of the place rankings, 1st is blue or gold, 2nd is red or silver, and third is green or copper. You can make the awards the size of an avatar or the size of a sig (see size limitations above). You may use text or any other effect found in Paint.net including image modification. DO NOT Post your entries in this thread. PM your entries to me and I will post them as they come in. Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Friday evening (December 10th, 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in the Discussion Thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  4. Seeing as there are no objections, and that so far everyone seems to like option 3 (3. Another option would be to combine the WOTW with the Space Art Comp, Photo Manipulation Comp, and add a category or two and have a revolving theme/style comp and eliminate the other comps I run.) I think it's time to make the change. I'll get something put together soon.
  5. Anyone else have an opinion on the proposed changes?
  6. Entries Entry 1 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/cometspacecomp.png Entry 2 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/comet1.png Entry 3 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/fragment_final.png Entry 4 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/AComet.png Entry 5 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/comet12.jpg
  7. Very nice work Rachel ! Welcome to the forum.
  8. I would also like to have a comp to create the next set of awards for the WOTW, so be thinking about what kind of design you would make. It will need to be avatar or sig sized so people can use it on this forum. You will need to make awards for each of the 3 places, 1st blue, 2nd red, and 3rd green. I'd like to do this comp in the same way the WOTW is done, with the PM entries. Let me know if you are interested, maybe we can have this comp this week.
  9. http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss265/barbieq25/Jewels/GiftDuo.png OMG this one is the best ever ! It is so very very awesome.
  10. A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would like to change some things in the WOTW to keep it interesting. Here are some of my thoughts... 1. One option would be to have the winner choose the theme ( cars, landscape, space, animals, etc.) and I would assign a style to that theme to make it more challenging. The styles would be selected from these categories; Abstract, Realism, Surreal, Typography, Still Life, Landscape, Pop Art, Folk Art, Photo Manipulation. 2. Another option would be that for two days I would accept themes by PM so the suggestions would be secret. Then the members could vote for the theme they think would be the most fun and challenging. The theme with the most votes would be chosen for the next round of the WOTW. The second, third and fouth entries would go back into the suggestion box for the next week's vote along with any new suggestions. 3. Another option would be to combine the WOTW with the Space Art Comp, Photo Manipulation Comp, and add a category or two and have a revolving theme/style comp and eliminate the other comps I run. 4. Or I could just leave things alone and keep things the same as they are. Sooooooo............what are your thoughts on these ideas?
  11. Winners are ! Entry 9 L3ron 7 votes - Winner http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/i4pe84jpg.png Entry 3 Welshblue 6 votes – tie for 2nd http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/WOTW15.jpg Entry 8 Possum Roadkill 6 votes – tie for 2nd http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/CAMARO_CLOUD9.png Entry 4 Yellowman 4 votes - tie for 3rd http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/smartfor-1.png Entry 5 Barbieq25 4 votes- tie for 3rd http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/WOTW28PaintJob.png Also entered ! Entry 1 Heat Stroke 3 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/indom_paintjob_finish.png Entry 2 Leonte 3 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/WOTW28.png Entry 6 J.D. Melek 0 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/possumcar.png Entry 7 JLG 1 vote http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/WOTW/bentley1.jpg Thanks to everyone who entered ! Thanks to all who voted !
  12. Space Art Competition #10 WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW ! THEME IS: Comets ! SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. Special Rule #5. Do not anger the Possum. Submission Rules All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Comets ! Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting one or more comets. You may include planets and other space objects like moons, asteroids, planets, nebulae, possums etc. You may use STOCKS AND/OR RENDERS ! You may also, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for DISCUSSIONS only ! If you want to ENTER this comp, please go to the ENTRY thread. The Entry period for this competition run through Friday evening December 3, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  13. Space Art Competition #10 THEME IS: Comets ! POLL IS UP ! CHOOSE 3 ! POLL ENDS FRIDAY DECEMBER 10 AT 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. Special Rule #5. Do not anger the Possum. Submission Rules All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Comets ! Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting one or more comets. You may include planets and other space objects like moons, asteroids, planets, nebulae, possums etc. You may use STOCKS AND/OR RENDERS ! You may also, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread. The Entry period for this competition run through Friday evening December 3, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  14. Just a thought, but if you posted what you have now, maybe it would give some people an idea and they might enter.
  15. Thanks, I appreciate that you enjoy my work, but you don't have to feel that way. We all start out some place. Just let your imagination guide you. If you work through the tuts and ask questions, the technical stuff will take care of itself. I don't know why, but my photobucket seems to be acting up and won't open many of the images full size. I'm working on getting them all reposted. It just takes a long time.
  16. I don't know who made the first entry, but it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. :music:
  17. Or maybe we could be allowed to enter more than once? I can do these all day long, they are so much fun. Come one everybody, it's fun and easy. We need more entries !
  18. Can anyone guess who made each of the entires? It's a pretty amazing bunch of cars.
  19. WOTW # 28 Theme is New Paint Job POLL IS UP ! VOTE FOR TOP THREE ! POLL CLOSES THURSDAY EVENING 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
  20. WOTW # 28 Theme is New Paint Job POLL IS UP ! VOTE FOR TOP THREE ! POLL CLOSES THURSDAY EVENING 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
  21. Entry period has now closed. Poll will be up later tonight.
  22. Thanks to everyone who entered and to all of you who took the time to view the entries and vote. The awards have been sent, so check your inbox. It's up to Yellowman to come up with the next theme. Thanks again, great entries all ! Possum
  23. Entry period ends tomorrow evening. Tell your friends and let's see if we can get a few more entries!
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