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Everything posted by KonArtist

  1. Clipping Masks seems like a good idea can't wait for it. *waits*
  2. Is there a plugin for liquify? I searched on the forums couldn't find one. Maybe even future plugin..
  3. Other than that you might be able to do the smae thing with the random lines plug-in I will try it. EDIT: Didn't work as good as Crimson's way...
  4. This didn't take anytime at all I don't really like it, but o well.
  5. Here is a little something I made of the best actor.(IMO) It took about 3 hours to make. Stocks: Mark Wahlberg
  6. Uhhh....Well there isn't anything I would do to improve you are much better at making sigs and flowing the flow of a sig, but I would brush or add some C4Ds or whatever you did. Other than that I dont think there is anymore things to improve on it is amazing the way it is. Ciao(learning Italian)
  7. I like the colors better than your current, but I don't think it is better than your current.
  8. I'd like to see more of flow there is just one little part I'd like to see more!
  9. Planet Renders also has some transparent background C4Ds, but it is your tutorial I really love the C4D part since it shows the flow in it covering up the parts that would take your eye away from you focal point! Keep up the great work love to see more work about flow!
  10. Great tutorial! I found this very resourceful. Motion blurring brushes is another great way to work on depth and flow. I like this way the most in this tutorial.
  11. Just like Nab I use Sepia to color some of my pictures too. Sepia -> Color Balance ftw!
  12. Thank you so much oma that helped me so much.
  13. I tried to make a fractal with Paint.NET don't think it came out that good.
  14. Maybe one more day, but from the looks of poll from start to finish it looks like it might turn out how it already did.
  15. I love the brushing and blurs in the background(if you used brushes that is). Also the flow is amazing!
  16. How much frames did it take to make?
  17. Search Planet rings in the tutorials section. :wink:
  18. I like the spacescape, they are always fun to make, but if I may add a suggestion you should hide some stars.
  19. Elegant as always, another great tutorial by jake2k.
  20. Elegant as always, another great tutorial by jake2k.
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