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Mike Ryan

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Everything posted by Mike Ryan

  1. I think I really have a good idea for this one. It is all wether I decide to implement my ideas or not
  2. I have so many ideas! I want simplistic and for the focus to be on the article while maintaning the ease of navigating the site itself with some 2.0 level features. This will be a large portion of the next month wasted on this
  3. Paint.NET does not currently support DICOM images. And if there were support for DICOM I believe any of the information tables would be lost when saving them.
  4. Funny, I just got a new camera and realized I could not get the RAW files to load properly, then I check the forums and here is this. Will test it later though, thanks :wink:
  5. No, Paint.NET is not a vector image editor. You cannot edit portions of anything after you make them permanent.
  6. for the competition you can always just move all of your plugins to an archive or zip and put them somewhere else for the entirety of the competition
  7. Yes you can. Press the More button on your color window to view additional color options. There you will find Transparency which is alpha.
  8. Well I did some more touch ups to my accidental abstract and made it look more like splashes of liquid metal. Critisism very welcome!
  9. A few things before a Mod comes attacking you: A. Change your thread title to something descriptive. This will be locked with your current thred title :wink: B. I am not exactly sure how this is related to Paint.NET, but you can contact Rick Brewster.
  10. I really am hoping for Wikipedia now. I have so much thoughts going through my head right now for it it is not even funny. Please!!
  11. pretend Math had an 'e' instead of an 'a' just to give you a hint as to what I was joking about.
  12. just as long as he does not call it Math Lab (math can be missread as...)
  13. I think he wants a layer limited to a certain size. Sort of how PS utilizes different shaped layers, in which case this only has hope for a v4.0 feature.
  14. That seriously is what General Discussion is for though. Read the description on the main page.
  15. it reminds me almost of Saran wrap, but that imo. I like it, just not what I was trying to achieve, ya know?
  16. @Pyro: I think he is talking about an effect to adjust size
  17. Effects cannot adjust the size of selections or the canvas, and are limited to selections and the canvas. Sorry!
  18. Well, I was trying to make an explosion of bubbles and after about fifty layers and a few days of work, along with one of Ash's gems I came up with an interesting abstract.
  19. Sorry, but I have a request. With the equations, is there anyway that you can get rid of the autopreview and have a preview button instead? It really slows down my PC when I am trying to write out an equation and it is rendering as I go. Thanks!
  20. I agree with you Ash, but that would require an entire rewrite (Equations affecting the image) Also, can you release the src? I have been learning C# now for about two months and these look like some prime examples. (Please!) Again, I made some crazy seashels using Equations. I am loving the fact that I now have a reason to continue taking math
  21. I just needed to be sure it was possible because I am in huge need of a Transparency Mask Import Plugin atm. Working on some text blending.
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