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Posts posted by Helio

  1. Alright! PDN is the first victim.. :twisted:

    So, can this be a completely different skin? Like, if I wanted to make the toolbox a horizontal line of icons across the top instead of a floating window on the side, is that legal?

    I have a few cool ideas, but they require the complete reorganization of the interface... :)

    As long as you made it (Hint hint Boltbait :D), you can do anything you want. Anything.

    Good luck on your idea! ;)


    Edit the first:

    I probably will, knowing he has Photoshop.

    You will, knowing he has PhotoShop? :lol: Well, have you seen the Scions (sp?) that he skinned? I don't know if he used PS, but those were cool!


    Edit the second:

    Hey Dan or Boltbait, maybe if you felt slightly inclined to keep the MSC at the top of the page always... that'd be GREAT! :D

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