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Posts posted by Helio

  1. Technically the theme was b&w with one color, i just used the term "Sin City Style" to help describe it. Then everyone started making their sigs actually look like Sin City so i went along with it ;)...

    I was hoping that that was what you meant, but then people started posting the actual 'Sin City' stuff, which I know nothing about and am not interested. Thus I decided to skip another SOTW.

  2. Well, I actually was whipping it out at about 9:20pm last night, thus the bad, blurry quality. Much better results may be achieved with the method I used.

    I drew a circle towards the top left of the canvas, then I drew a slightly curved line from the left hand side of the circle to thee center bottom of the canvas. Like so:

    |  |

    Then, I duplicated the layer, and flipped it horizontally, completing the shape.

     __   __
    |  |_|  |
    +__+ +__+
    \     /
      \ /

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