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Posts posted by Helio

  1. Voting is now over. And the winners are.....

    Champion: Helio

    And at a very close second:

    Runner-up: usedHONDA

    Honorable mention: DecemberWinds

    Thanks again to all the entrants and voters for making this a successful competition!


    Voting now open! Get your vote in now; you have until 12:00am, Friday, October 5th.

    PM your vote to Helio

    Each voter gets one vote.


    It's that time again!

    This time, Google is the project.

    The deadline for submitting is Friday, September 28.

    That's it! Now for the rules....


    • [*:dcfa6]Do not just color/recolor. That requires no skill whatsoever.
      [*:dcfa6]You must have a link to all source images used in your submission. If you fail to have them by the end of submission time, your creation will be disqualified.
      [*:dcfa6]If you use stock images, find out if they are copyrighted and if the owner wishes for them to be used.
      [*:dcfa6]Once you have submitted your entry, you may no longer add anything/delete or edit your post, excepting editing to add links to source images.
      [*:dcfa6]This post is for submissions only. If you would like to talk about the competition or a submission, do it
    [*:dcfa6]Be courteous and kind.
    [*:dcfa6]Have fun!

  2. I'm new to the forums and this is my first post, but here are a couple images I have created based on this tutorial and the Camaro tutorial.

    From this: Roger Federer (2007 Wimbledon)


    To this: Federer steps into the past


    Or this: Federer in the past


    Yes! Go Roger Federer! Arguably the greatest tennis player of all time, seeking to win this US Open (in action now), to give him 11 majors!

  3. ^^Yes. I would use Curves+.

    Duplicate the image two times, so that you have three identical layers. One will be your Red layer, another your green layer, and blue.

    Open Curves+, and go to the Advanced setting in the drop-down menu. Then select whatever color you would like to take out of the layer as the 'In' setting, and select Alpha as your 'Out' setting. Repeat, repeat, etc. :)

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