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Posts posted by Helio

  1. Not back, just posting from a library. I'll be back on the 8th, though I may have a chance to drop in once in a while before then (as I am doing now).

    I would like to congratulate everyone who entered; you ALL did a great job, and had some very good and interesting ideas. Thank you for making this a good start to the Monthly-Skinning-Competition!

    I hope more people will enter in the next one!

  2. O.k. You have an active selection from the last step, copy that (Edit>Copy or Ctrl-c).

    Then, add a new layer ( :AddNewLayer: , Layers>New Layer or Ctrl-Shift-n).

    Rename the layer 'colors' (double click on the layer in the layers dialog, :Properties: or f4. Then rename in the text field.)

    Paste. (Edit>Paste or Ctrl-v)

    Step five is done.

    Now that your question is answered, will you kindly remove the text in your profile?

  3. I don't know what you mean when you say that I used your color window idea. The layout of my design was created to be the way it is by trial and error. If I didn't like the way something looked, I would change it in some way. I had the color wheel in the the color window, but eventually it became too much of a hassle and I decided to get rid of it entirely.


    And why aren't you submitting? I've kept the submission time open for 5 extra hours just so you could post!

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