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Posts posted by Helio

  1. Are you kidding? That has the coolest, icy, grungy look that I have only seen done by two other people, being BK and j2k!

    The only thing that I think is a little confusing is that if you hadn't called it 'Atomic Clock' it would have been a little hard to guess what it was... But that's okay. Sometimes it's better to just use your imagination! :)

    Swistak, I really am liking yours, too. ;)

  2. For the record Helio...I'm a big fan of your new av/sig combo. :D

    Same here. The warm colours, the theme you have going - it is quite beautiful. Is that a tunnel of some kind in your signature?

    Why, thanks! I usually make signatures/avatars that are dark and blue, so this is a refreshing change. But, you do point out the only problem that I have had with it; it's not as clear as I would like that it is a picture of a tunnel. Oh well. ;)

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