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Everything posted by oma

  1. oh that's brilliant Welshblue. are you going to use crumpled paper on this? would look like a real chain in matt silver. ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    part of the continuation of the futuristic . see picture.on pg 72 for full size version I've Just started another segment. This portion will also include some of my hand drawn sketching. Won't be near ready until after Christmas. ciao thanks for looking barbieq
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes yellow is too glowy but after the next few steps you'll understand then why the glow is there. think crying. ciao OMA
  4. yep! agree pyrochild. (little boy that cried wolf syndrom) soon no one will bother to answer. too bad because that link to the roadmap is great reading about the twists and turns this program has taken. It might give newbies some real knowledge about just how much work went into those old wow! images. and how much our plugin guys have contributed. ciao OMA
  5. @mendo that is a very nice abstract manipulation from a real photo image. It is often difficult to find pictures that work well doing those types of abstracts. I beleive it is the symetry in the origianal image that lends its self to this type of work. keeping the colors subtle sets it off. @Lego that is really well done. I like it very very much. Very graphic quality to that work. almost looks watercolor painted. here is one I call "Cameo and Cufflinks" full size will be in my gallery in a few mins.
  6. @jerry533482 this is a roadmap for the changes to Paint.net over the years. You may find it interesting. here is the link I'm really sure you will enjoy this. http://www.getpaint.net/roadmap.html a lot of hard work and thought has gone into the making of this program over the years (2004 to today) I think layers was here from the beginning, but has been much improved since the start. definetly we had layers as far back as 2006 as mentioned by Rick in this old interview. http://www.betanews.com/article/Intervi ... 1141071978 I joined here in 2007 and it is a far superior program since then. If it improves even by 1/10 in the next few years it is still a wonderful time enjoyment to use.
  7. @barbieq25 that little snowman you did was just so cute. I also like to start with a larger canvas and downsize. That will likely be dealt with in another just beyond newbie tut that I've in the works. Doing so in this tut wasn't something I wanted to tackle. The person that actually asked for this one wasn't quite up to working with muliple pdn's yet. So I thought to keep it super simple. Just beyond beginners level. @Gigabyte oh that is fabulous. I like how you've gone ahead and modified the image to suit your own style. The little tree is a great addition as well as the moving snow. Lovely. @Welshblue I didn't draw a mouth. :oops: Most times we just scooped out a little hole, but I see from some pictures others do about snowman they use twigs or coal. My little guy in the tut is shivering so much from the cold here in frosty Manitoba that he has his chin down trying to bury it in his scarf. thanks you Darkshock and Falken. Hope to see your little seasonal snowmen/women posted here soon. :wink: ciao OMA
  8. the only thing I'm wondering about Chris is how you are determing if someone is an old hand at Paint.net. by post count or content of their work? I consider myself an old hand at paint.net. I've been here quite awhile and have seen many come and go. I definietly try not to bash any newbies, and I think the amount of newbie PM's with little private mini tuts on steps and questions I answer is testement to that. We have many a poster that have never produced much more than a hill of beans picture wise, often telling those that do use paint.net everyday how to do things (and often incorrectly). These people might look like old hands by the number of posts from the "Alfredo section" . but I'd never call them proficient by any means. The above doesn't apply to the plugin writers they are in a class by themselves and should often be listened to as they know much more about the inner workings and how the plugins can vary an image. just be certain you are giving the proper distinction to those you call Old hat, and not just looking at post count junkies. you may PM me. I'm very sorry if I'm the old hand that bite you. I can not really recall doing that, and most times I'm quite civil to all, but do get my back up at personal slams in my PM box.. ciao OMA
  9. sorry gave you incorrect link this is the tut viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26969
  10. tutorial viewtopic.php?f=12&t=32169&hilit=vintage+photo
  11. no Nab I did reuse the landscape in the Merry Christmas card one. I didn't reuse any in this latest snowman scene. guess my English explination was off kilter. ciao OMA
  12. full size in my gallery and Nab this is 100% paint.net and I just made the background now not a redo of any previous picture. ciao OMA
  13. windows 8 2012 + ponies only if they are house trained.
  14. ummm I don't seem to have any problem painting elaborate pictures, jerry and I probablly hardly ever use brushes. learn to use what is here already I think you will be more than surprised. Besides (nothing against brushes plugin) there is more to art than just swipping brushes across a page. Art isn't a race against time, it should be a quest for improvement of style and technique. That search for betterment absolutly isn't done in a 10 min. picture. Put some effort into improving your gfx skills and less effort into racking up great post counts. ciao OMA
  15. give him a break. Are you in a real all fired rush! I'm absolutley sure you've not even begun to explore what's avail in this version. If you've learned it all already lets see some fantastic images in your gallery.
  16. is that realistic enough for you? there is no way I can explain that to someone that hasn't been using this program for ages and that doesn't know what their plug ins can do when pushed to the limit. ciao OMA
  17. there is the sparkle plugin by madjik. personally I just paint it in with white. and transparent gradiant to fade away at the outside eye side. or if you are going for a reflection just take another copy of what you want reflected back tone down the opacity and use move pixels to scale it down to size. there are quite a few ways to do it. depends on the look you are going for. sample picture of what you wish to acheive is always a good idea, or just a link. ciao OMA
  18. I was just thinking the same thing that this would make a lovely seasonal tut! lovely image. ciao OMA
  19. just a quick stop , I've been meaning to tell you that I love this new Christmas sig, that is one very jolly looking santa. ciao OMA
  20. no problem we all start somewhere. try some of the tuts. those will give you some basics of how the program works. ciao OMA
  21. @forbiddenrose, I see you figured out finally the way to get your sig to show. nice job. look forward to viewing some images in your personal gallery. @juliasmith its no bother to me at all, forbiddenrose asked a question and the people here tried to help her out. different forums have different rules to be followed and sometimes a newbie to the forum has a bit of difficulty. I'm sure when and if you come across a problem we all will try to give you the same help. ciao OMA
  22. oma


    Ash miss you around the forum. I'm bumping this gallery up because I think some of the newer members may like to really see what a master Paint.net artist can do with this program. ciao OMA edit: if I don't get a chance to exchange PM's with you before Christmas know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
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