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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you AFG, Barbieq, and sokagirl. Aislin it is so nice of you to drop in for a wee visit. I'm working on the redo of the hand tonight, not going so well. I'm not into paint.net tonight so I'll be taking a break. Hot cup of tea and a great book. just wanted to show the latest updates added them on pg 74 with all the other wip on this one. there is one image added of the new hand very early stages, and also you will see sneak peek at the background. very near done. most likely will be finished New Years day ,,, fingers crossed. Then I can get back to looking thru the galleries more closely instead of just wizzing thru them like I've been doing this past 2 weeks. ciao OMA
  2. since I use blur all the time, let me clue you in on a secret. It gets easier with practice. and you make less errors several layers back if you make a duplicate layer uncheck one of the layers and then blur. you can always just go back and swap out the bad blur layer. longer process but gives better results. also I've been known to use a transparent gradiant on one of the blurs if its way to pronounced. there are work arounds. but as always the best pictures and best control comes with practise practise practise. :wink:
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you barbieq, Helen, Chad and yellowman. sorry I didn't have much time to respond only a few mins to pop in and add the updated wip. I'm now nearing completion on this little gal. I've changed the gown somewhat from the inspiration. It just looks more regal in a dark color. I wanted to get away from the sweet look, dark just looks more sophisticated. Besides who ever heard of a little beige dress, it is always the little "black dress" is the must have in every girls wardrobe. so "nearing completion wip image has been added on pg 74" thanks everyone for looking ciao
  4. I'm trying to find the key for the padlock.
  5. myself top one I'd just do a gradiant using radial. set second color transparent. on separate layer I'm sure others have different methods. second one is wetfloor reflection. If you can't get enought separation between the image and the reflection for height just keep selection active after running wet floor plugin and then cut and paste to its own layer and move to the position you like . I've also at times used just a duplicate layer of my image and flipped it vertically and make it semi transparent for the second one. One thing you'll find with paint.net is there is usally more than one method to do everything. That;s what makes it so fun.
  6. I'm loving your sketches. Lovely things tablets even with out the pressure sensitivity in paint.net. I truly envy you. I'd love to have a tablet one day. Those sketches are magnificent. You have such nice clean drawing skills. Great eye! for details. ciao OMA
  7. I can see you are really experimenting and stretching your wings on these last few images. Just those extra few things you've been throwing into the mix have stepped up your images quite a bit. Lovely as always, you've an eye for beauty that shows in your art. It is always such a pleasure coming by your gallery. I don't always leave a message but my morning wander thru the galleries always brings me by here for an uplift. ciao OMA
  8. @Crimson read my lips , I'll say it nice and slow """ begginnerrrrrsssss tut! minnnnimmmmummmm pluginnnns and stepssssss."" Just a lot of pictures to describe to a newbie trying to follow along some new ideas. I know you are experienced enough, if you want to add dents etc go for it. I did say more experienced members could customize.
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    update of princess wip for Cameo and Cufflins futuristic added pg 74. work started on arms and shoulders. Hair given more red tones. ciao OMA
  10. yes illegal character you can not use any of these charaters in a file name " \ /:*?<>or |" I've done this myself so know how easy it is to do. glad you've gotten it resolved. ciao OMA
  11. open the file again in paint.net along the top of the screen left side it gives name of file if it says aprilsfile(or what ever you called it) .pdn you didn't flatten. file>saveas > filename and the drop down file extension of .png or .jpg. I know you said you saved it as a .jpg but just recheck it was flattened and saved as .jpg and you didn't just clik save. also I've had problems where I had two "." in an file name for safety sake I'd make a copy first before you try any changes to what you've done so far. Just incase you want to come back and rework on this again. ciao OMA
  12. do you mean a frame? or do you mean a siloute style photo? the best bet is to upload the picture and a sample of what you require. I'm more than sure it is do able. But want to check we are on correct wave length. I also am just not sure what you mean. ciao OMA
  13. you made sure you flattened it and haven't tried to upload a pdn file?
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Barbieq and Helen. such nice things to say. This morning I worked on the hair a bit more. (updated on previous page to keep all the images together) next I think there will be some sort of crown? and then start on the shoulder area. ciao OMA
  15. thanks I missed the part that said original render what can I say but slap palm to forehead. Looking good I like how they've been changed. Have you attempted any with light backgrounds or do those fractal manips generally look better against the black background. I've always loved fractal images but have only ever done one or two. I'm just too impatient for slow computor to render...I can not see myself sitting and waiting for this old beast to finish. you have yourself a nice Christmas. ciao Oma
  16. depends on the style you are going for. you might like ED Harveys plug in pkg. especially the color change ones. also there are halftones that can go well in pop art. If you mean more vectorish styles the only limit is your imagination. EER maintains a wonderful list of add on plugins in this section of the forum clik viewforum.php?f=16 its is one of the stickied posts near the top Plugin index. Welcome to the forum
  17. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    Oh Sharp that explosiding sun image is just so sparkly looking. I can feel the heat on my face from here! I never had a chance to comment on you sig, That one is really nicely done. I saw you had a wee tut in place as well about getting those lines. It is on my list of must tries for during the Christmas holidays. speaking of Christmas, It is not likely I'll be visiting many galleries between today the 22nd and Christmas so I wanted to stop by and leave a great big Holly Jolly Wish for you to have a wonderful Christmas Season! ciao OMA
  18. Look forward to seeing how you do the Ribbons. Like sharp says twisting ribbons are tough to do. You need to get some little dips and shadows in there with out it being too over the top. But you have great skills of observation and great PDN skills so I'm sure you will whip thru that sig in no time. you have a nice Christmas Mike, and once again congrats on your getting into that art class. ciao OMA
  19. Oh it is so nice to see you've settled in with paint.net, especially after your initial "have to ask about this and that and this and that" You've turned into a fine artist. Those latest space images are a real good start into an area I think you can get quite good at. I prefer the blue galaxy one , mainly because I like that color best. The space planet with a ring perhaps would look just a bit more realistic if the top wasn't dark brown and the lines going around the planet weren't so concentric. But like I say great start and much better than my first space attempts. I probably won't have a chance to get back to your gallery until after Christmas ....so I'll just pass on my Christmas wishes to you now. "Merry Christmas" see you in the "New Year" ciao OMA
  20. You've been so busy. I'm having trouble keeping up. puff puff I feel like I just ran a 10 mile run though your lovely gallery... so many great additions since I've had a chance to visit last. can't name them all but the Alian present is so sparky looking. I like how you managed that challenge.. The fairy is lovely, and glowing light I can see going a few more layers with bits and pieces of this part showing. I'm thinking cavernous??? The one you say is a lame ornament really isn't lame at all. I'd like to see you cut that circular part out and finish making an ornament top. use one of the plugins to make multiple colored versions of it hang them from strings. One siggy that comes to mind is how Goonfellow did his. That "Lame" image would work so well! great job. and have a wonderful Christmas! ciao OMA
  21. in the plugin section of the forum. viewforum.php?f=16 <<=====clik this link see the stickied topics near the very top. Plug in index revision. by EER they are listed both by plugin name and by the maker in that post. EER did a lot of work updating and maintaining this list for us all to use. ciao OMA
  22. polar inversion is my fav plugin. goes nicely with the fractals. here is one I did this week Its not anything special. Just a wind down from concentrating so much on some other pictures I've been working on. No doubt there are loads of errors and areas for improvement. but its just a play thing , only real purpose is to try differnent things out.
  23. lovely fractals. I see that you say you've edited those, in Paint.net? what did you do with this program. It would be lovely to view the before and after. you have a wonderful Christmas ciao OMA
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