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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. You probably have a selection and you're trying to type outside of that selection. Try pressing Ctrl+D before using the Text Tool.
  2. Since they're using a selection, I imagine you'd need to use the Effects > Selection > Outline Selection effect. And, this thread is really old--I'm locking it. If you still have questions, make a new topic.
  3. Plugins are installed in a different place for the Store version. Copy your plugins from C:\program files\paint.net\Effects to c:\users\name\my documents\paint.net App Files\Effects (Path entered from memory. I'm sure some mod will come along and edit my post with the correct path.)
  4. Well, I'm out of ideas on how to make your UI more responsive.
  5. Try this instead... https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/112378-plugin-development-nuggets-of-wisdom-i-learned/?do=findComment&comment=542006
  6. Sprinkle these throughout the algorithm? if (IsCancelRequested) return;
  7. No. Paint.NET is an image editor, not an image library organizer. I'm not sure how Picasa stores its files. Your best bet would be to export your edited files into .PNG format.
  8. If you want, you can post one of your transparent images here and someone will be glad to check to see if it is indeed saving in the proper format. Other than that, I'm guessing that the issue is with the other software and not Paint.NET itself.
  9. After you choose the filename, click OK and you'll get the "Save Configuration" screen. This asks the bit depth.
  10. When saving as PNG, make sure to choose "auto" or "32-bit" to preserve transparency.
  11. This is exactly why I chose 200% scaling when Windows suggested 150%. The integral scaling levels look MUCH better than the odd sizes.
  12. I’m running Paint.NET on a 4K display. One thing that really helps me is to switch to the dark theme.
  13. Don't hold your breath waiting for the next update. I will be a while. And, it will mostly be performance improvements and bug fixes.
  14. I'm guessing you either are saving it in a format that doesn't support transparency (.jpg, .bmp, etc.) or you are saving it in the proper format (.png) but you're not selecting "Auto" on the save screen.
  15. You haven't actually installed it yet. That shield tells you that you need admin privileges to install Paint.NET.
  16. Maybe "Effects > Distort > Crystalize" followed by "Effects > Artistic > Ink Sketch"? Far from perfect, of course. This is the type of thing you'd have to do by hand to get the best results.
  17. Yeah, sorry. I've been super busy and haven't had time to fix the error. Give me a few days and I'll see what I can do.
  18. If Paint.NET crashes, you should have a crashlog. Take your crashlog over here and see what it says: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/112453-scan-your-crashlog-for-common-solutions/
  19. Try rebooting your system and make sure you are all caught up with all of your Windows Updates. Then, try running the Paint.NET installer again.
  20. He's talking about the "auto select" function shown at 8:36 in his video.
  21. Then, don't make it transparent. Problem solved.
  22. By definition, if you make something a little transparent it is going to blend with the background.
  23. You can't force just any plugin to run in a single thread. However, if you are writing your own plugin, there is an option to do this. For plugins, this is done at design time, not at run time. (Info about how to do this and a code example here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/29428-floyd-steinberg-dithering-including-source/)
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