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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Oh oh! I know I know I know!!! Backward sky! He he. You're on to me. :wink: Still waiting for yours, BTW.
  2. Oh, I see it should be like this: Sharp screwdriver layer Blurred screwdriver layer Background layer Is that it?
  3. Is there a way to Guassian Blur only the edges of a selection? For example, when pasting a selection on the top of another bitmap, the edges are usually harsh. I usually use the Lasso to carefully select around the edges and apply a Guassian Blur (2) to the edges. This makes the pasted area appear more naturally like part of the original picture. Is there a better way to do this?
  4. If the capability existed, I would make some tiles and donate them to the cause.
  5. Some people find bliss in brushed aluminum... GIS for "Drill", and "Wirebrush".
  6. ... which inspired me to make: GIS for "Clockworks", "Robot Hand", and "Graph Paper". Then, I cheated and used Corel PhotoPaint to do the "Page Curl".
  7. Do other programs see the fonts? (Like MS Word, etc.) If not, then the fonts are not installed properly. Did you go into the control panel and click on the Fonts applet? You should use it to install fonts. When you do that, the applet will copy the fonts to your fonts directory for you.
  8. The lightning was drawn freehand on its own layer (line tool, flood fill, transparancy, etc.) The flair was drawn with lots of Gaus blurs. The entire picture was drawn full screen, then at the end it was resized down to ~100x100
  9. I wonder if I should replace with this: Well, once I clean it up. Heh. Ugh, too much work. And, I'd look just like everyone else. Nevermind.
  10. Crazy Man Dan has it. 8) Magic wand the grass and delete it. Use the Grass tutorial on here but in brown. GIS a picture of "American Gothic" Magic wand the couple. ( Copy, paste, resize. Save as jpg. Upload. Post. Elapsed time: 6 minutes. Heh.
  11. Any chance of someone doing a port of this: http://www.atncentral.com/download.htm# ... ure_Sketch I would be your friend forever.
  12. Well, I found out what I did. And, I'm not sure the function is available in paint.net. The function that I used is called "Local Equalization" under the Image > Adjust menu.
  13. Haha. Now you know how I feel. Thanks. This does actually help a lot. I thought it was colored pencil, but I couldn't duplicate the effect. Now that you mention it, I probably did adjust the contrast and brightness before I started playing with filters as the original image had a very bright background and somewhat dark faces.
  14. Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your help OK, tell me how to do the same thing with paint.net then. EDIT: I've already posted in a Corel forum. The reason I posted here is because I use paint.net (a lot) and I like this forum. I think the people here are generally helpful and much more expirenced than me when it comes to graphic design.
  15. OK, I was playing around with filters in Corel PhotoPaint 11 and I created something that I can't reproduce. I have been trying to reproduce the effect for about 2 hours now and figured I'd ask the experts. What did I do? Please help! I want to be able to do this again.
  16. I tried this today and it worked exactly as you said. It was perfect. I just needed to adjust the Opacity of the color layer for the desired effect. Thanks!
  17. Tollerance is set to 50% when Paint.net is run. And, the first thing I always do is change it to 20%. Can you make that setting "sticky"?
  18. I downloaded the Sepia effect from the old board and I love it. Is there a similar effect that will convert the image to the selected foreground color instead of Sepia? I often need to do something like this for creating background images. Thanks.
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