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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Unlike other plugin pack makers, I have not put all of my pack into a single dll file. This is so that you can still pick and choose which of my effects you want in your menu. If your Effects menu is a mess, I recommend MOVING all of the dll files out of your Paint.NET/Effects folder to another location. Then, return each, one-at-a-time, and running Paint.NET to see if it is an effect you wish to keep.
  2. Next time use a better thread title. This is definitely NOT a Paint.NET question. Please read the forum rules before posting again. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 ...especially rule #6. When you do, you'll understand why I'm locking your post.
  3. Try saving the graphic as PNG instead of GIF.
  4. Here's the problem: There are really 2 colors that could be shown... Would you like to see the RGB value of the pixel on the current layer? Or, would you like to see the RGB of the fully combined resulting pixel (as if the image was flattened at that moment)? If the first, what if the layer is marked to be not visible? What should be shown then? If the blending mode is not "normal" how would you want to handle that? The pixel shown may not have the same RGB value as the source pixel. You see, this could be quite confusing.
  5. Well, I don't know about the others, but JPG and BMP don't support transparent backgrounds.
  6. Try this: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3172 EDIT: Wow. david.atwell must be asleep.
  7. Sorry, I can't figure this one out. Maybe Rick can open it with a debugger attached... ?
  8. I believe you are having trouble because you use the letter a with dots over it and a space in the file name. Can you change the file name to something simpler and upload again?
  9. It says "file not found". Can you zip the file and attach it directly to your message?
  10. Hello, and welcome to the Paint.NET Gallery. This thread is dedicated to showcasing the "best of the best" that our members have to offer. Please take your time to look around. If you like a piece and would like to comment on it, please follow the provided link and make comments on the original thread. I think you will be amazed at what can be created with Paint.NET. Nominating to the Gallery To be eligible, a piece of artwork must be created or edited in Paint.NET. All categories of art will be considered. When you see a piece of artwork in another thread within The Pictorium that you really like and would like to nominate it to The Galleria, simply click that post's "Report" icon: Report In the report form, type "Galleria nomination" and mention which piece you would like to nominate to The Galleria and what you like about the piece. If one of the mods agrees, the art will be displayed in The Galleria. If not, the report will simply be closed. Be patient. This process can take a couple of days. Be assured, we will review every nomination.
  11. Most of the stuff I do is either testing of my plugins or "photochops". Here is a sample from the Pastel plugin that is part of my plugin pack: Here is a sample of one of my photochops: And, here is another: I hope you find something here that you like. The rest of my art is spread out throughout this thread. Look around. If not, maybe you'd like to play a Dominoes Computer Game. Source for the deer photograph above:
  12. Give us a sample image. Without one, I'd say, Shape3D plugin or one of the MadJik plugins from his plugin pack.
  13. There are many people here that have the skill to do this, BUT... Fisherman's Friend, no one is going to want to step on Kris' toes. So, your best bet is to wait for Rick to make a Color chooser IndirectUI enhancement or if Kris wants to do the similar thing to pyrochild's outline object plugin.
  14. Image Umbrella: Pixel Images This includes isometric and other images created pixel-by-pixel. If you would like to see a truly remarkable pixel image, click here. It is an 3MB animated gif showing how a 36 color iso castle was created. Here is a link to the final piece: http://fool.deviantart.com/art/iso-castle-75849130 Things to keep in mind: - Pixel images are made pixel-by-pixel using only the pencil tool using a limited palette. This means that no other tools can be used and no effects or adjustments can be used. (We'll know if you cheat.) - Animated GIF's (like smilies) are allowed: - Try not to post your image right after another user's. Allow some time for people to reply (or give an opinion yourself!) - Utilize constructive criticism. Being mean is not welcome or tolerated. - Try for criticism that's more helpful than "looks good" - say why. Say what works, say what can be improved. It'll make everyone's skills better (including yours)! - By the same token, keep the rules in mind. They will be enforced here just as much as anywhere else. Now, let's see those iso cities and smilies!
  15. Kris, could you add the color picker functionality similar to pyrochild's outline object plugin? viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5715 It's not much, but better than nothing?
  16. The IndirectUI system is a closed system and is not designed to be extended. This would be a huge boon to us plugin developers. Please, Rick?
  17. This type of post goes into the Pictorium. Thread closed.
  18. 1-10) These effects are from the user Toli. Post on his thread in the Plugin forum and ask for an update from him. 11) Is now built-in to Paint.NET. You have nothing to worry about here. 12-13) This is now obsolete. Just use the Effects > Noise > Reduce Noise effect instead. And, please use a better thread title next time. Click the link in the orange box at the top of this screen to read the forum rules.
  19. Here is the marble that I made a while back: Of course, I didn't have use of the 3D plugin at the time...
  20. Yup. That's why it is "sticky'd" in the tutorials forum.
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