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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Type your fonts on their own layer, then use the Layers > Rotate Zoom menu.
  2. Probably what you had was an active selection (marching ants) and you were trying to put text outside of that selection. Happens all the time. Very confusing. If this happens again, just press ESC to cancel any selection you might have and try the text tool again.
  3. Oh! Well, what you need is the Conditional Hue/Saturation plugin. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1102 It may seem a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, amazing things can be done.
  4. This tutorial will get you started: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841 Add each picture on its own layer. Don't forget to feather each layer.
  5. Open one of your images. Set your primary color to #FBB863. Select the magic wand tool. Set the tolerance to 0. Shift-Click on a pixel of color #A7FF00 in your image. Press the backspace key. Open your other image and repeat this process for a pixel of color #02FFFF.
  6. Are you going to tell us what the error screen says or do we just have to guess...
  7. It does for me. Are you sure you pressed Ctrl-V? I get the following message box: Hope this helps. BTW, you still need to pick a better thread title next time. Read the rules: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 I edited your thread title instead of locking... this time.
  8. This happens when you paste a large image into a smaller image and choose not to expand the canvas. BTW, pick a better thread title next time. Read the rules: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 Closing this thread for rules violations. No hard feelings.
  9. Of course, as soon as I say that, MadJik goes and writes one... viewtopic.php?f=16&t=24649
  10. Nope. First, my plugin was limited to straight lines only and secondly it had dashed lines and dotted lines but not dash-dash-dot lines.
  11. Here's one I did: I used the built-in page curl effect of Corel PhotoPaint. Call me when you have something that good in Paint.NET.
  12. You really need to download my feather plugin. It is in my plugin pack. There is a link to my plugin pack in my signature.
  13. jackc45, here's an idea. Go with the flow until you have over 1000 posts. Then suggest something. Repeat each 1000 posts.
  14. I have PM'd you an answer. This will never be added to this forum. Closed.
  15. Read the rules: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 Don't purposely break the rules. Just add your new stuff to your other thread.
  16. There is no Layers > Mode menu. Do you mean Layers > Properties? If so, and you are talking about blending modes, remember, you need to change the blending mode of the upper layer in order to see some change. By the way, some blending modes won't show any change depending on the layer contents. You may need to try different blending modes in order to see anything interesting. If not, and you are expecting the layer to inverse (flip, like seeing it in a mirror) then you should use the Layers > Flip Horizontal menu. Hope this helps. 8)
  17. I believe that someone wrote a wrapper for greycstoration, but that plugin is blocked now.
  18. I taught a class on Paint.NET to a group of highschool kids. It was 13 hours long (1 hour sessions). I based my lectures around realworld tasks as much as I could. Then, I filled in the gaps with interesting projects from the tutorials section of this message board. I started out with teaching the kids all of the tools and menus. Moved into adjustments and effects. And, finished up the basics with layers and blending modes. Finally, we did some projects which combined many of the things the kids had learned. I did simple projects like color correcting photographs, cropping, and publishing to the web. I did more complex projects like coloring black and white photographs, making a software box (see tutorials), and "photochops" using feather, etc. Many of the boys enjoyed the "making fire" demonstration. I showed the kids where to download Paint.NET and where to get plugins. We also had a project where the kids had to go to dafont.com and download/install a font to complete a project. I also talked a lot about design considerations (espically during the lesson on making Windows desktop wallpaper, and also during the lecture on image composition--i.e. the rule of thirds) and file types (download speed vs. image clarity). We had a lesson on making animated GIF files using unfreeze. I had all the kids bring in digital photographs that they had taken. These were used during the various lessons. If the student didn't have any pictures, I would let them use my digital camera to take pictures of stuff in the class room for their use or I would allow them to use Google Image Search to find interesting images. Post here if you have specific questions. Good luck!
  19. AFAIK combo-boxes are available in IndirectUI. Yes, but they are not supported by CodeLab. Maybe next release...
  20. I like it, but... Um... what game is that? That's too many dice for Yatzee... :?
  21. Here is a CodeLab script for the conversion you need: #region UICode int Amount1 = 128; // [0,255] Tolerance #endregion private UnaryPixelOps.Desaturate desaturateOp = new UnaryPixelOps.Desaturate(); void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y { for (int x = rect.Left; x { CurrentPixel = desaturateOp.Apply(src[x,y]); if (CurrentPixel.R > Amount1) { CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.Black; } else { CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.White; } dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } It can be found on this page: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/hel ... ments.html as part of the CodeLab help file. You'll still need to use MS Paint for the final save as Paint.NET does not support 1 bit output formats. EDIT: Download this plugin pack: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23885 for better conversions to 1 bit.
  22. In Paint.NET, what you would need to do after making your selection, copy that to a new layer. Then, make your adjustments and then feather it. Use the "true feather" method of the plugin.
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