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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. This is about the easiest way: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841 Read this thread here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=24747
  2. First, read the forum rules viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 and tell me which one you've broken with your post. Next, try this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21605 Finally, when rotating text, try it this way: 1. Add a new layer 2. Type your text on that new layer 3. Use the menu Layer > Rotate / Zoom
  3. You're right! Dang! How'd I miss that one?! Oh well, I'll get an update out in the next day or so. Thanks for the note.
  4. More than likely this is a bug in your browser. Browsers are notoriously bad at rendering graphics with specific colors.
  5. Yes. When you select the color picker, look in the toolbar. You can change the behavior to "After click, switch to previous tool". If you like to make that permanent, you can do this in your settings page.
  6. More information about this issue (and solution) here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=26245 If you are having trouble with any of my plugins, just update them. I have published new versions in the plugin forum. Tanel has done the same. If you have additional plugin problems, please post in the specific plugin's thread in the plugin forum so that the plugin author will see it.
  7. It might already be able do that. Try clicking the "Setting v" thing on the bottom border and select "Window location and size".
  8. The reason we don't have one is simple... This message board is hosted by Forumer. We do not have access to put our own "favicon" there.
  9. Here is a nice one: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5570 Of course, you can do all of that with a plugin now...
  10. I don't have this problem with the plugin, but I'll try... OK, try this: Effects > Render > Shape3D Press the following keys: S If that doesn't work, try M (followed by all the arrows...)
  11. The way Shape3D is choosing to show itself (window size and placement) is done is a somewhat strange way. By looking at the code I noticed something wrong. It will not allow you to make the window larger than a set maximum size... but, it does not restrict the minimum size. I suspect that at some point, the code that saves the window state got confused and stored a 0,0 for width and height... (I'm sure you can see where this is going...) so technically, the window exists, but you can't see it. If you could memorize key strokes, you can control just about everything Shape3D does. Now, I say, "just about" because, you can not use the keyboard to get to the control that would reset the window settings. I've dug around to see if I can find where the settings are stored and couldn't find anything. Someone else may be better than me at figuring this out. In reality, MKT should include some code to ensure that the window is not smaller than a set size and located on the actual screen. If only we had some way to contact him...
  12. I'm curious... if you run Shape3D and hit the Enter key, what happens? If the canvas resets and you are able to use Paint.NET again, I suspect that I know what the problem is.
  13. Answers: 1) viewtopic.php?p=206178#p206178 2) use magic wand on transparent pixel, Ctrl-I to invert selection, run effect.
  14. Paint.NET is an image editor, not an image printer. I think there are other places Rick can focus his time.
  15. Nice set of plugins. I've always been a big fan of Shadow / Highlight Recovery, although I still don't understand why you don't put this in the Effects > Photo menu. Stickied!
  16. Well, there are several outline plugins. I wrote one, pyrochild wrote one, and I'm sure there are others. I have no idea which one you are using, but if it was mine, you're right, there was a bug in it that was uncovered when PdN 3.36 shipped. The good news is, there is an update available here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819 All you need to do is install the plugin pack and you should be all set.
  17. Did you use Paint.NET to create these images?
  18. Oops! Yup. There's a bug in CodeLab. You can see the bug in line 119 of the source code if you "View Source", paste into Notepad++, and delete the first (comment) line. It is trying to build the control as an integer slider. That'll never work! EDIT: Yes, :oops: the space after the comma (here "Pair") is critical because CodeLab is trying to find an exact string in order to know what kind of control you want. I forgot to include possible spaces in the search string. I have fixed the example on the web site. If you use the built-in UI editor it generates the proper code.
  19. Try this: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21605 or this: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html
  20. Hex value input would be a job for Rick. I am simply using the IndirectUI color control. If he was to enhance it to allow for hex input, my effect would automatically use it.
  21. Thanks! That's about the best way to adjust the amount of the effect. I'm glad you figured it out. Don't make me hurt you. I don't think you have any idea how complicated this effect is... to give you an idea, most of my plugins are in the 50 line range. This one is over 600 lines. :shock: By using the "Use alternate lighting direction" check box and swapping the Highlight and Shadow colors, you do have 4 different lighting directions. More than that would make me tear out all of my hair. Sorry, if 4 isn't enough, try what Oma suggests (rotating the layer, do the effect, rotate back, etc.)
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