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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=20738&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  2. I recommend paying for the templates so that you get the source files.
  3. Racingdj08, that is because you are using "Selection > Feather" instead of "Object > Feather". Remember: Object > Feather uses the transparent pixels to find the edges of objects and feathers along the object's outline. Selection > Feather uses the marching ants as the path to feather.
  4. Well, there was a bug in the template that I was using when creating plugins. So, several of my plugins had a bug. And, as it turns out, Tanel was using the same template, so several of his plugins have this problem as well. When Paint.NET 3.36 was released, Rick changed the way that plugins were called from within Paint.NET. Before, a plugin was always called with a 1px tall selection. Now, they are called with 2px tall selections. The problem with the template is that the second line never gets rendered. I fixed this issue in the template and published updates to all of my plugins. Just follow the link above (or the one in my sig) and update the plugins on your system. I have asked Rick to block my older plugins from loading on the next version of Paint.NET. So, update now and you won't be affected.
  5. OK, there's your problem! You need to update your feather plugin. Go here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819 and download the latest plugin pack.
  6. Show me a screenshot with the feather effect open.
  7. We have two. One is called Toon. Search for it and I'm sure you'll find it. The other is the built-in Artistic > Ink Sketch. I wrote that one based on the Toon effect.
  8. Testing out my Selection > Bevel plugin: EDIT: Hmmm... I hate it when shadows get clipped.
  9. No, sorry. Paint.NET is not an animation tool. You might want to read this tutorial for how to use another tool to do it: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26976
  10. Did you even read the link I gave you? Read the rules before posting again. Here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446#6
  11. View your post & hit the Edit button. Then you'll be able to type in a descriptive title. Too late!
  12. You posted this in the wrong forum. That forum is for PUBLISHING ONLY, which is why is says that in the forum title. I moved it to the proper forum for you. Now that that's done, please read the rules viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446#6 Then, try again.
  13. OK, easy. Choose a light color. Choose the text tool. Set your font and size. Click on the canvas where you want the text to go. Make note of the EXACT coordinates that you clicked. Type your text and finalize it. Choose a darker color (but not black). Click on the canvas 2 pixels up and 2 pixels to the left of your last click. Type the exact same text and finalize it. Choose black. Click 1 pixel up and 1 pixel to the left of your original click. Type the exact same text and finalize it. Done.
  14. Overclocking is bad, mmmkay? Processor companies mark the speed on them for a reason.
  15. Are you just trying to recolor the background to match? Or, are you talking about surrounding the text with an outline that makes the text look "sunken"?
  16. This tutorial should help: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26967
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