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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Ok, here is an alternate way to do it: 1. Install my plugin pack (link in sig) 2. Use the circle selection tool to outline the largest circle. Use shift (I think) to constrain to a circle. 3. Use Effects > Selection > Outline Selection. Select the color for the innermost circle. Set the outline width to the sum of all line widths. Click ok. 4. Use Outline again, only this time reduce the line width by how wide you want the inner line to be. And, select white. 5. Repeat step 4 alternating your line color and background color until you get all the way out to the selection edge.
  2. Printing in Paint.NET is suboptimal* Try this plugin instead: *=saying it nicely.
  3. Please install plugins according to these instructions: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php If you still can't get them to work, post your troubles here: Someone will try to help you there. I'm closing this thread. Please continue in the troubleshooting thread linked above.
  4. Seriously, the buttons are the same size they've always been. It's your eyes that are getting weaker. When I was younger I had perfect vision... now I wear glasses for everything. It happens to all of us.
  5. You may want to start by following some tutorials in the tutorials forum. This will get you familiar with what Paint.NET can do, help you setup some plugins, and give you a feel for how long it takes to get things done. Once you master the basic tools, you can try moving out on your own and tackle that project.
  6. Could it fail to save because the file is being held open by another application?
  7. You can also "freeform" rotate a selection by right-clicking and dragging the corners of a selection.
  8. Try the Ink Sketch effect. Just slide the "Coloring" slider all the way down. Adjust the "Ink" slider to taste.
  9. If you have a question about a specific plugin, please ask in that plugin's thread in the plugin forum. Closing this. No hard feelings.
  10. Are you looking to create a "brushed" aluminium? Like the background in this picture:
  11. It may be time to visit your optometrist and get yourself some "computer" glasses.
  12. Paint.NET is not designed to be used in this way.
  13. The best way to correct a blurred image is to take another picture. Seriously. You can try Effects > Photo > Sharpen ...but, you won't be happy. EDIT: There's also this which doesn't work any better.
  14. Try following the instructions on this page: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php If that doesn't work, post your troubles here: Closing.
  15. And,why do you care what version of the board we're running? Is there some feature you're missing?
  16. pdnnoob, have you tried my Color Balance plugin? It can force color where there isn't any.
  17. I can not reproduce this error. Ctrl-Scroll wheel works fine for me... both over the canvas and not. Perhaps there is a problem with your mouse driver? Or, maybe it is a configuration issue?
  18. Ed Harvey has a plugin to do it. I was going to make one, but he beat me to it.
  19. You might also try using my Feather plugin. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514-
  20. You can not change the default save type. JPG is a "lossy" format, PNG is not. So, every time you save an image in JPG format you are losing quality. Do this several times and you have the effect of making a copy of a copy of a copy on a photocopier. It starts to look bad pretty quickly. Paint.NET will never default to a save type that will lose information/quality. You see, people don't pay attention and could lose quality by mistake. If you WANT to lose quality, that's fine. You just need to make a choice to do so.
  21. There's a plugin in my pack that'll do it. Link in sig.
  22. Your message doesn't belong in this section. This area is for bugs in Paint.NET itself. If you have a problem with a plugin, please post in that plugin's thread in the plugin section of this message board. Closed.
  23. In order to Save as DLL from CodeLab, you must run Paint.NET as an administrator. That is, right-click on the Paint.NET icon and select "Run as administrator" from the menu. As for the other issue, you'd be better off creating a filetype plugin.
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