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Everything posted by user.by

  1. I am using installer version (5.1 Beta 9023) and i think performance is much better with this relase or i feel like it.
  2. You must install 5.1 (β 5.100.9023), fixed.
  3. Submits for your information Otherwise i tried vs versions with Paint.Net 5.1 and result is same. First pic perfect working and Second pic not working
  4. Hello, i am using this software free and there you can see open source code ( https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/jpeg-quantsmooth) for JPEG artifacts removal. And you can seecommands on this page (https://github.com/ImageProcessing-ElectronicPublications/libjpegqs) Also Web version available here (https://ilyakurdyukov.github.io/jpeg-quantsmooth/) I have a request from you, may can someone do for plug-in for in Paint.Net or like RIOT. Best Regards
  5. It's Ok. and working without problem, i tested immediately, I see some started problems fixed I also previously reported (for 5.0) also beforehand. Thanks a lot for your concerning.
  6. Sorry but this time Paint.Net is immediately crashing when i run psd plug-in. pdncrash.1.log
  7. PSFilterPdn plug-in first time working but when i used second time Paint.Net is crashing. Logs is in attachment.
  8. I used portable version, and i got 2 time error. Please do you check my error logs? Thank you pdncrash.1.log pdncrash.2.log
  9. Thank you for concern, you know better, but when i change PSFilterPdn.dll all versions are working.
  10. First time thank you for your works, I just say as information, i have some plugin problems. I am using Curve plugin (http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/curves.htm) It's work v2.0.2 and earlier versions but dont work 2.0.3 and later versions. Like this first pic v2.0.8 - second pic 2.0.2
  11. I like much, also you can blury background in same time.
  12. @null54can we use from this page https://github.com/ishani/GenesisVFX https://github.com/ishani/GenesisVFX/releases/tag/v1.01
  13. Not overlay, it's normal settings, and i also updated too for false alarm. I back to (I know it's not a virus or trojan, but KAV dont allow to it for work.)
  14. Event: Object was deleted User: *******-*******\**** User type: Active user Application name: explorer.exe Application path: C:\Windows Component: File Antivirus Result description: Removed Type: Trojan horse Name: HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Stealer.gen Accuracy: Intuitive analysis Threat level: High Object type: File Object name: PSFilterShim.exe Object path: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\PSFilterPdn MD5 of an object: 00B2E8173CF1922250C159D0045DAFEE Report by Kasperky AV
  15. Olay: Nesne silindi (Deleted) Kullanıcı: *******-*******\**** Kullanıcı tipi: Etkin kullanıcı Uygulama adı: explorer.exe Uygulama yolu: C:\Windows Bileşen: Dosya Antivirüsü Sonuç açıklaması: Silindi (Removed) Tür: Truva atı Ad: HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Win32.Stealer.gen Doğruluk: Sezgisel analiz Tehdit düzeyi: Yüksek (High) Nesne türü: Dosya Nesne adı: PSFilterShim.exe Nesne yolu: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\PSFilterPdn Bir nesnenin MD5'i: 00B2E8173CF1922250C159D0045DAFEE
  16. @null54 I wrote to Riot author, now they changed Riot.dll and published for GIMP plugin, and i replaced too with in your plugin Riot.dll now it's working. Please can you update as 1.0.9-1. Thanks
  17. @Rick Brewsterand @null54 Beforehand Riot 1.0.9 was save only as webp with Paint.Net 5.09, but i tried now with Paint.Net 5.10 Beta, now when i say 2 time save it's of all working. Maybe you can check it why?
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