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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. V1.0.2+ ready for download fixes pop menu comes to front bug
  2. TR's Morpher Source Code for Programmers Only https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfg0u9ylcbwegnl/TRsMorpherSrc.zip?dl=0 All secrets are revealed: How to distort images. How to morph. What really happens at Area 51. Who shot JFK? Who Killed Roger Rabbit? Who invented liquid soap and why?
  3. That's looking awesome dipstick. Try removing the first or last frame and the "pause will disappear". Do apples make good scented candles?
  4. v1.1.9+ adds onion skin adjustment slider Ready for Download (v1.1.8 had a bug)
  5. V1.1.7+ Adds Markers for moved Nubs Ready for Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/uav9vp9xittau56/Vortex.gif?raw=1
  6. Props on the pin Lynx! Yowza Pixey! That's awesome!
  7. Great Tut. It will lends itself to that Tiffany style as well as ecclesiastic art.
  8. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31670-png-sprite-sheet-matrix-march-31-2015/?p=425136 This file type will output images in layers to side by side images
  9. That's easy you just use the same image for source and destination and morph to different parts of the image. I use a static layer for the parts I don't want to move. if I have 10 frames I make 10 copies and merge with the frames.
  10. Version 2.7.3+ more CancelRequest checks that I missed Ready for Download
  11. V1.1.6+ adds Onion Skin effect while dragging for better alignment Suggested by Red Ochre Ready for Download
  12. I want you to do it again - I'm trying to make sure the software as stable as possible. I've tried but i can't reproduce the crash
  13. I assume your clicking around quickly trying to force the crash - I've neglected to pickup the PDN CancelRequest. Here's a version that does acknowledge it. Version 2.7.2+ ready for download
  14. Water Liliy Sort the Images before importing so they import in the proper order die Bilder sortieren vor dem Import so importieren sie in der richtigen Reihenfolge https://www.dropbox.com/s/voqai3nw7ssfaj0/flower.gif?raw=1 24 frame render (Images by Seerose)
  15. Melting Tiger Hidden Koala see if you can spot the koala
  16. V1.1.4+ Dynamic Preview refined (won't hang) Ready for Download Melting Tiger Hidden Koala https://www.dropbox.com/s/iegwd1ud5xf1uof/MeltingTigerHiddenKoala.gif?raw=1
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