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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. I reached my reps quota, so nice job AgentGodspeed. Only True-Type Fonts are used.
  2. Version 1.0.1 is ready for download IRON67 & Disgruntled - yes I know what BoltBait meant try the new version Eli -I decreaed the gap between the sides and the face. Miss Nite Nurse 79 - I increased the AA to 3X Super-Sampling
  3. Eli, does not go away in the final render. The preview is low red for speed
  4. Thanks EER, Word-Art was my inspiration Thank you IRON67 - I never say never, but Yaw and Pitch for the light source would be a major rewrite of the shading code. Thanks Dipstick. Excellent Camaro!!! Take her down the open road and crank up the ZZ Top.
  5. TechnoRobbo's Monolithic (3D Text Generator) Version 1.0.7 Special thanks to the Dwarf Horde for their advice and support Version 1.0.7 Bug fix for HiDPI Version 1.0.6 Bug fixes Version 1.0.5 Bug fixes and optimizations Version 1.0.4+ Removes the need to press the Enter Key to affect a change in the number boxes Version 1.0.3+ adds some code to avoid a potential crash version 1.0.2+ improves anti-aliasing Menu: Effects -> Text Formations Instructional Video TRsMonolithic.zip
  6. Due to the necessity of the transparency, the clipboard would make it a PDN 4+ function. That being said, I'll ponder over your suggestions.
  7. I forced the dialog to the foreground when shown - they were being lost in the background even though they were modal. Added this code to Shown Events: this.TopMost = true; this.Focus(); this.BringToFront(); Sorry missed that. Try this v4.0.1 IcoCur.zip
  8. Yes, I'll come back to this after I publish my latest plugin.
  9. Here's a mod of Evan Old's File-type - hopefully it solves some of the issues. If Mr. Olds returns to update the FileType himself I will happily remove it. Download newer version at this post http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/927-icon-cursor-and-animated-cursor-format-v37-may-2010/?p=514467
  10. Nice, really moody stuff. Change name? What's Wong with wabbit? It's wovely.
  11. Eli -that is a very touching image. v1.1.10+ faster and more efficient Renderer (40X40 Grid renders in 8.5s previously 9.5s based on a 4.6 Windows Experience Index) Ready for Download. https://www.dropbox.com/s/44sh0gmszf156pr/Kit2Cat.gif?raw=1
  12. I discovered an interesting technique to use with this FileType plugin and PDN If you add a comment at the end of the layers' name using "//" you can control the timing of each individual frame. For instance, if a layer is named "Layer 1", modifying the name to "Layer 1 // 1000ms" will make the layer stay on the screen for 1 second. You can customize all the frames with individual timings as long as you set the timing in the dialog to 0.
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