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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. It does remember the last resampling mode. The other settings are not remembered. Highly recommend getting acquainted with the keyboard shortcuts! Alt+B will jump you to resize by %, for instance. So resizing by 50% is always the sequence: Ctrl + R (Image -> Resize) Alt+B 50 Enter You can also automate this with something like AutoHotKey
  2. Paint.NET isn't a UI designer, so I think you've already got the right way of doing it from that video (lots of screenshot copy paste, etc.). I'm not aware of any plugin that would simplify this sort of task.
  3. Then why didn't you include that context? There was no way to know that you were "replying" to something else on the forum if you created a new post and didn't make any reference to the thing you were "replying" to. Then you are misunderstanding that comment. Nobody said digital signatures don't matter. @toe_head2001 said "you modified the file, which invalidates the signature, so what you're asking for isn't even possible and you shouldn't pursue a solution to it." That's just a dry statement of facts, not any sort of judgement. As far as we know that isn't even remotely the same situation you're in (modifying the MSI for whatever reason). Next time you post please include context so we can hopefully understand what you're asking.
  4. What does WinZip have to do with anything? Windows can work with zip files natively 🙄 Then why don't you go write a plugin for what you want?
  5. It's not lying to you. You don't have enough RAM to open the image. Also, please do not publish troubleshooting questions in "Plugins - PUBLISHING ONLY". It's clearly a section for plugin publishing only.
  6. Then what you are trying to do may go against their licensing agreement with you. You will need to check whether what you’re trying to do is legal, in other words.
  7. Actually I think I got 4096 bins to work well ... so that seems plausible
  8. for example, my Corsair AIO reports this as the Coolant Temp, which is the temperature of the water and which changes much slower than the CPU's actual on-die temperature.
  9. Supporting bin counts that high is problematic. My current implementation has poor performance at 1024. I’m trying to improve it but I have not been successful. Running multiple passes at lower bin counts will likely be better. e.g. multiply image values by 8 (like with HlslBinaryOperatorEffect) and build histogram with 512 bins. Repeat with (image*8)-0.5, then (image*8)-1, etc. My histogram implementation also skips over non-finite pixels, so you could use a pixel shader to flush pixels outside of the [0,1] range: return (input == Hlsl.Saturate(input)) ? input : (float4)float.NegativeInfinity
  10. Although there’s really no reason to use SkiaSharp for this, PDN provides access to Direct2D and DirectWrite now (since 5.0). You can definitely render curved text with those, and then you wouldn’t need extra DLLs. Feel free to ask questions over in the Plug-in Developers Central or on the Discord server https://discord.com/channels/751565809972936735/1010984760782377160
  11. You could post the source code (GitHub preferred but a ZIP is fine too). I’m pretty sure someone would be willing to get it fixed up.
  12. CPU temperatures can ramp it very high and very quickly (like <1s). The temperature that the AIO reports is not the same as the temperature of the CPU die itself.
  13. Hi @xod, great stuff! Because your plugin is not self-contained (it's not a single DLL), it is required that you publish it according to these rules: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/118743-new-packaging-requirements-for-plugins-starting-with-pdn-43-net-5/, Imagine if other plugins needed to use SkiaSharp, and they wanted a different version, and everyone tried to install both plugins into the same directory. It will not work out well. These rules help to prevent that. Just fix that up, republish, and you're good to go!
  14. Could also easily be overclocked or under-cooled. Saving .PDNs is heavily multithreaded, and the 14900K is a super hot CPU that needs high quality components (power supply, cooler, RAM, etc.) that are properly configured
  15. Sounds 100% like bad hardware components. Paint.NET can’t cause your system to crash and burn that hard without help from bad hardware.
  16. That’s exactly what it is. NVIDIA driver bug. Make sure you have the latest version of it.
  17. btw in PDN v5.1, I'm hoping to include a HistogramEffect2 that I've just got working. Instead of outputting a normalized array of floats for the chosen channel, it will output an array of Vector256<long> with direct value counts for all channels. It will also work on images up to 1M x 1M px (so, 1 terapixel 😂). I'm using this for porting over Auto-Level, Levels, and Curves over to GPU rendering.
  18. 5.0.13 included a fix to enable this specific plugin to work again.
  19. It's also just a bad strategy to use if you're lobbying for a feature. I'm never going to add something because someone was grouchy and argumentative at me. @Tactilis has successfully lobbied for several things and uses a straightforward evidence-and-logic-based discussion strategy.
  20. Paint.NET is not the right software to use if you require a CMYK-based workflow. Simple as that.
  21. Just because you don't know the reason doesn't mean there isn't a reason. And nobody's forcing you to do anything. "There is no reason..." is a cheap debate tactic that attempts to shift the burden of proof to the other side, and I really recommend avoiding it. Software is complicated and things take time. Just because something is missing doesn't mean it's an intentional/desired design choice.
  22. Also the #1 reason for signatures not verifying is that your system date/time is wrong. I’d check that first. The #2 reason is that you haven’t been installing Windows Updates. They do send down updates to certificate stuff from time to time, and Paint.NET is now using a newer certificate authority (it’s one of Microsoft’s, via Azure Code Signing). So make sure you’re caught up with all system updates.
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