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How can I reproduce an image I made...? (How did I? And How To...?)

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Well, this is interesting.


I've created a picture effect for a possible book cover. I like it a bunch. (Some of the effects in PDN are amazing. I'm really enjoying working on layers.)


Only, since I was just playing around, I have NO earthly idea what I did to a couple of layers to achieve the effect I like, and I can't seem to duplicate it. (Someone remind me to keep a notebook file open and write down each step I do when experimenting!)


Is there a way to deconstruct a picture?


Layer one is teal.


Layer 2 is a diagonal gradient between teal and black.


Layer 3 is a cut-out of a photo of a mountain and a lake (Storm Mountain in Banff Nat'l Park), taken by a friend of mine, which I sort-of faded back a bit -- the result was that the lake looks like it it is flowing out into the teal part of the gradient, which was what I hoped for, since the teal was color-picked from the lake color.  My problem is that I don't know what effect or tool I used for the fade, because the one I have is opaque to the gradient layer, and when I try to duplicate the effect, it's transparent.


Layer 4, if I can do it, will relate to the below:



I want to create something similar to this Fotolia royalty free picture, except, I don't want a dark background What I want is a transparent background except for the glowing part of the DNA.


I am specifically after the hand with the glowing DNA balanced on it, although I would like the have an additional spiral or two to the DNA. The rest of the picture is quite irrelevant.


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
Added descriptive thread title.
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You could use the gradient tool set to Transparency instead of Colour to create a fade to the mountain picture on Layer 3. Select gradient as your tool, and find the Transparency/Color Mode button situated below the Undo/Redo buttons. Gradients are automatically set to Color Mode  :Colors:, so you will have to press the button in order to set your gradient to Transparency Mode  :AlphaChannelOnly:. Draw the gradient on Layer 3 where you have got the picture of the lake and mountain, this will cause the picture to fade gradually :)


Good luck!


Oh, because I am allergic to things I do not want to do. *Cough*

- Michael J. Caboose

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Marilynx, If you follow limon's advice you can get a smooth blending of the lake. I added a layer for the hand, one for the tower and one for the glow. I gave a small Glow to the tower. For the glow touching the fingers I just drew a dot and and added a couple of sparks made with the Highlight effet. Then I used the Glow effect five times.


Photos from Google search.

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You could use the gradient tool set to Transparency instead of Colour to create a fade to the mountain picture on Layer 3. Select gradient as your tool, and find the Transparency/Color Mode button situated below the Undo/Redo buttons. Gradients are automatically set to Color Mode  :Colors:, so you will have to press the button in order to set your gradient to Transparency Mode  :AlphaChannelOnly:. Draw the gradient on Layer 3 where you have got the picture of the lake and mountain, this will cause the picture to fade gradually :)


Good luck!


Okay, let me make sure I understand what you are saying.


First, I am making a copy of my picture so that if I totally screw things up, and I can still have the one that I like available. (Yes, I know I can Ctrl-Z back, but... always remember, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean the universe isn't out to get you.)


Second, are you saying to do the gradient on the same layer as the mountain picture? Or on a separate layer?


Third, when I change the layer to Transparent, I can't seem to do a gradient. All I have are the transparency squares. (Speaking of which, I know I read somewhere how to turn those off temporarily, and I cannot remember where.)


Okay, I got the gradient. Sort of. Problem is, it's white and teal, not black and teal. (Yes, I do have the primary and secondary colors set correctly.)


I did figure out how I got my earlier gradient, and that was by setting it to "Glow." Now if I can duplicate it.....

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Marilynx, If you follow limon's advice you can get a smooth blending of the lake. I added a layer for the hand, one for the tower and one for the glow. I gave a small Glow to the tower. For the glow touching the fingers I just drew a dot and and added a couple of sparks made with the Highlight effet. Then I used the Glow effect five times.



Okay, that glow effect is precisely what I wanted for my DNA.  I have to go to dog class, but I'm going to tinker with this when I get back. Thank you. (Now to make the DNA....)


Thank you.

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Is there a way to deconstruct a picture?


Not once the paint.net session is closed. If it's still open the steps will be shown in the History window and the plugins will retain their last setting(s).


If you have the pdn file with the layers intact - you could zip it and upload it (so long as it's family friendly). Some of the smart cookies here might give you their best guess.

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Not once the paint.net session is closed. If it's still open the steps will be shown in the History window and the plugins will retain their last setting(s).


If you have the pdn file with the layers intact - you could zip it and upload it (so long as it's family friendly). Some of the smart cookies here might give you their best guess.


Well, that figures... Windoze decided I needed an upgrade, and restarted the computer on me. So, no history.


Oh, it's quite family friendly.  A mountain and lake,  a gradient, and a couple of borrowed DNA strands which I would prefer to create for myself -- just wanted to see if my idea would work before I went to the trouble.


If I can get it to work out, it will be the cover for an e-book. The book itself has one mild scene which might be deemed unfriendly, but I'm not uploading that.


I will, however, remember that the history lasts until PDN is closed for next time.  Let's see... I know I need Photobucket or some such to have pix show in a message. (Checking options) Ah. Looks like I can attach a file to the message.


However, thanks to Limon's directions, I seem to have reconstructed what I did.


Now on to trying to create the glowing strand of DNA which needs to be darker at the top than at the glowing bottom. Have part of that (the glowing part) thanks to Eli.

Edited by Marilynx
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To answer your questions about the gradients, Marilynx. 


First: Yes, the universe IS out to get you. Duplicating the picture is not necessary, but it is an easy way to restart if an screw-up should occur :) instead of punching Ctrl-Z a bunch of times. Just make sure to uncheck one of the duplicated layers visibility, otherwise the result won't show if there are two pictures on top of each other. 


Second: The transparency gradient shold be done on the same layer as your picture of the mountain lake. If done on an empty layer, there will be no result. 


Third: Don't set the layer to transparent, it is supposed to be visible. It is the gradient that should be set to Transparency Mode in order to make a part of the lake (or what ever you may want) transparent. 


Fourth: Here's a HowTo-pic to show you how to make a gradient with Transparency Mode on your picture. 



Oh, because I am allergic to things I do not want to do. *Cough*

- Michael J. Caboose

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To answer your questions about the gradients, Marilynx. 


First: Yes, the universe IS out to get you. Duplicating the picture is not necessary, but it is an easy way to restart if an screw-up should occur :) instead of punching Ctrl-Z a bunch of times. Just make sure to uncheck one of the duplicated layers visibility, otherwise the result won't show if there are two pictures on top of each other. 


Second: The transparency gradient shold be done on the same layer as your picture of the mountain lake. If done on an empty layer, there will be no result. 


Third: Don't set the layer to transparent, it is supposed to be visible. It is the gradient that should be set to Transparency Mode in order to make a part of the lake (or what ever you may want) transparent. 


Fourth: Here's a HowTo-pic to show you how to make a gradient with Transparency Mode on your picture. 



Yes, I have experienced the vagaries of the Universe. It's like something we call the House Invisibility Spell. Whatever you are looking for WILL be hidden from you by the gremlins, until you ask someone for help. At which point, the invisibility spell is removed, and the person you asked for assistance says, "What do you mean, you can't find it? It's right here!" and you hear the gremlins giggling in the back ground... (This also applies to that file you know you put in a SAFE directory....)


Okay, #2 explains why I was having a problem, because I was trying to do the gradient on a separate layer.  The reason is that lower 20% or so of the design is gradient, the mountain & lake occupy the next 40-50%, and then the remaining upper 30-40% is gradient. 


What this accomplished was to give me a place to put the author names under the mountain & lake, have the lake not-quite in the middle, and the title above.

(See attached Slipping_Clip01.jpg) post-143238-0-80084800-1445458423_thumb.


When I figure out how to do the DNA strand, I plan to add another layer... and I believe I will leave out the hand, and have the DNA rising out of the lake / gradient and glowing in front of the mountain, up to the dark line of the gradient above. I had somewhat wanted the hand there, because it has elements of the Lady of the Lake, a la Arthurian legend, but I think just the DNA will work. DNA strand and hand clipped from a comp file for the above referenced Fotolia picture.


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Marilynx, If you follow limon's advice you can get a smooth blending of the lake. I added a layer for the hand, one for the tower and one for the glow. I gave a small Glow to the tower. For the glow touching the fingers I just drew a dot and and added a couple of sparks made with the Highlight effet. Then I used the Glow effect five times.


Photos from Google search.




I was going to play with that lovely effect and the dots... except I can't seem to find Highlight. I did find GLOW under Effects => Photo => Glow.

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It is part of Red's plugin pack. Once installed it is under Effects>Render>Highlight



As for drawing the DNA is not easy but you may try the HELIX effect which is also parto of Red's plugin pack.  :)


Ah. That explains why I couldn't find it under the standard Effects. I was going nuts, looking at each submenu, trying to find the darn thing.


Will play with it. Lotta plug-ins in that pack!

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You could use the gradient tool set to Transparency instead of Colour to create a fade to the mountain picture on Layer 3. Select gradient as your tool, and find the Transparency/Color Mode button situated below the Undo/Redo buttons. Gradients are automatically set to Color Mode  :Colors:, so you will have to press the button in order to set your gradient to Transparency Mode  :AlphaChannelOnly:. Draw the gradient on Layer 3 where you have got the picture of the lake and mountain, this will cause the picture to fade gradually :)


Good luck!




I finally got a chance to sit down and try this. I must be doing something wrong, because although I change the gradient to Transparency, absolutely nothing happens. The picture looks exactly the same as it did before I started. (First thing I checked was to be sure I was on the correct layer!)

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Have you made sure to uncheck the duplicated layer of the picture, aka "the Gremlin-layer"? If there is a duplicate of the picture layer still visible, the transparency of gradient won't show.


Oh, because I am allergic to things I do not want to do. *Cough*

- Michael J. Caboose

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Have you made sure to uncheck the duplicated layer of the picture, aka "the Gremlin-layer"? If there is a duplicate of the picture layer still visible, the transparency of gradient won't show.


It's gremlins, I tell ya! Gremlins! I did actually check that to make sure the layers I needed were checked, and the ones I didn't weren't. And it was all correct. So of course, having asked for assistance, this time, it worked.


This is a cool effect, and I can think of uses for it. But it's NOT the one I used (and don't remember what I did) for the Slipping cover.  Grr.....

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I'm glad things worked out and that I could break the Invisibility Spell for you ;)


Yes, now if I just knew what I did for the first effect, where the entire picture is slightly faded / blurred. It has to be one of the origina effects or plug-ins because I hadn't yet figured out how to install plug-in packs.

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