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Misleading Adverts

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Really don't want my first post to be just a moan so can I just say I really love paint.net... not to difficult, not too simplistic, just right (As Goldilocks would say).


So I have not problems about the programme itself is just the misleading "Download Paint.net" adverts on the website. I know its difficult because they probably have quite a good click through rate but they are misleading and undoubtedly lead to malware infested copies of the programme.  


Wouldn't it be better to do without these particular ads and have more happy punters (because you know they are going to blame paint.net for the malware) ?

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Welcome to the forum splatcat.  That's a great username you have there :D


The ads have been mentioned many times before.  They help keep Paint.NET free and we all want that don't we?  If you look carefully (VERY carefully) you'll see that the ads are often deliberately misleading but the clues are there.  I guess the best advice is


1. Be careful what you click on




2. Install and ad blocker.

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Welcome to the forum splatcat.  That's a great username you have there


Thank you for the welcome, its a long story involving a clock but sufficient to point out at this stage that I do in fact like cats  :D 


 They help keep Paint.NET free and we all want that don't we?


Most certainly do ! I'm in no way suggesting getting rid of all the ads, that would be daft. Just the ones which are obviously misleading and causing people to install malware. I'd love to say as a really experienced computer user I wasn't worried for myself but I will admit to getting caught out once.  As a website owner I'd rather not go down the route of  encouraging people to use ad blockers  :D 


Anyway I shall leave it there, have said my bit and shall now concentrate on learning / enjoying the software.

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As a website owner I'd rather not go down the route of  encouraging people to use ad blockers  :D 

I agree with you, but here we are.  Rick controls the ads and how they are placed; I understand why he's doing it.  It could definitely be worse.   :)


Anyway I shall leave it there, have said my bit and shall now concentrate on learning / enjoying the software.

Cool.   B)  Would that we had more users like you.


That's a great username you have there :D

Oh yeah.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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