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Alien landscape?

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I'm trying to produce a simple alien landscape for a game but sadly I'm not an artist. The game is based on Mars so I'm after a red desert in the foreground with hills in the background. I also would like to create a couple of layers of hills so I can create some artificial depth to the view.It's a shoot them up game but the player can scroll from side to side across the landscape so it needs to be wider than a normal image (1500x160). A friend created the following background for this game I produced but I think I'll lose him if I ask for any more :)



It would be ideal if there was some software that could generate a simple image for hills ie you just key in the dimensions, perhaps say what type of hills/mountains, darkness, shading etc. I'm probably hoping for too much there though. I do have PDN and I know how to use things but I just have no clue what I'm doing. If anyone can suggest how I could produce something similar to the above (I don't need the buildings) then I can get going.


Thanks for reading.


Edited by robinm
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Err... try this PDN plugin. 

you just have to make the hill texture then use it to turn that texture into a 3D shape


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Hi, it's me. I like experimenting with PDN to make really cool effects. I also like to

code in HTML and Lua. I like PC games and making youtube videos to show

my friends. Nice meeting you! See you later.

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I'd take a look at Terragen.

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The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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3D Object is a bit complicated for a newbie to use,or even for someone more experienced. I recommend the free version of terragen which still is a little complicated but there are youtube tutorials to help you learn.



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I see how you did that now and it works pretty good. It's a little easier to use by doing it that way but is limited. The math was throwing me off,lol.  I guess any of these programs can be complicated until someone points you in the right direction. I have been using terragen for a few years now and have learned how to make many different landscapes so for me that was an easier way with some cool results. Rendering with no atmosphere, the black sky can be edited out and the landscape can be used in PDN for different projects. 



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I tried the 3D object with the stone texture and I could produce some interesting results but I felt a monkey in front of a typewriter - I'll keep bashing though.

I tried Terragen too - the fractal images look like they could produce exactly what I'm after but it was all a bit baffling - I couldn't even see how to change the size of the image.

It might be an interesting PDN effect that adds mountains and/or foreground into the currently selected area using the texture that's been copied. There could be sliders for mountains, shading etc.

I'll keep bashing at the keyboard and hopefully I'll generate either a landscape or a sonet.



Edited by robinm
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A stone texture from here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12428-stone-101-community-tutorial/


And 3D Object: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=13003


Throw up some interesting results.  Sine Waves and add a new twist too



I tried grabbing various stone textures from the page you linked to, pasting them into PDN and then using the effects > render > 3D object utility. I could create quite pretty images but they always resembled crumpled napkins than a mountain ranges :( I obviously tried changing the view distance but the images would lose any realism and my results certainly never looked like your mountains.


Can you explain (preferably in detail) how you generated your image as it's exactly what I'm after (apart from dimensions). Hopefully I might learn a bit along the way!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprised that Power Stretch works.  Could the use of Grid Wrap work instead of Power Stretch?


Edit: Yup, I can confirm by messing around in Paint.NET and using Grid Wrap instead of Power Stretch, I got this:




Edit 2: Ugh, sky color showing, but never mind that!

Edited by TrevorOutlaw




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