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TechnoRobbo'sTiled Pixels V1.2

Pixels become Shapes!


Menu: Effects->Stylize



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Vegas Baby




The Code

Really long so Click to see it

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// Submenu: Stylize
// Name: TR's Tiled Pixels
// Title: TR's Tiled Pixels - v1.1
// Author: TechnoRobbo
// URL: http://www.technorobbo

#region UICode
int Amount1 = 16; // [10,100] Size
byte Amount2 = 0; // Shapes|Triangles|Envelopes|Diamonds|Stars|Hearts|Clubs(Clovers)|Spades

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)

Rectangle sel = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
Graphics g = new RenderArgs(dst).Graphics;
g.Clip =new Region(rect);
g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None;
System.Drawing.SolidBrush BBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
g.FillRectangle(BBrush , new Rectangle(sel.Top, sel.Left,sel.Width,sel.Height));
g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver;

System.Drawing.SolidBrush CBrush =new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(ColorBgra.Black);
System.Drawing.Pen CPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(CBrush ,1);
System.Drawing.Point[] pt = new System.Drawing.Point[0];

ColorBgra CP;
int inc = Amount1;
int shape = Amount2;
//Test Variable
//End Test
for (int y = sel.Top; y < sel.Bottom; y +=inc)
for (int x = sel.Left; x < sel.Right; x +=inc)
for (int altx=0; altx <2;altx++){
CP = src.GetBilinearSampleClamped(x + inc/2 * altx,y);
CBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(CP);
switch (altx + shape * 2)
case 0://triangle
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[3];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x ,y+inc);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
case 1://triangle
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[3];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc,y );
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc ,y+inc );
case 2://envelope
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[3];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2 ,y+inc);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y);
case 3://envelope
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[5];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y + inc);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x ,y );
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2 ,y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc ,y );
pt[4]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc ,y + inc);
case 4://diamond
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc ,y);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x , y + inc);
case 5://diamond
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc,y + inc/2);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc/2 ,y+inc );
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x ,y+inc/2);
case 6://star
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc ,y);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x , y + inc);
case 7://star
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[5];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc,y + inc);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x ,y+inc/3 );
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc,y+inc/3);
pt[4]= new System.Drawing.Point(x,y+inc);
case 8://heart
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc ,y);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x , y + inc);
case 9://heart
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[10];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc * 2/10,y + inc/10);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*4/10 ,y+ inc/10);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2, y + inc*2/10);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc*6/10 , y + inc/10);
pt[4]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc*8/10 , y + inc/10);
pt[5] = new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc * 9/10,y + inc * 2/10);
pt[6]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc * 9/10,y + inc * 4/10);
pt[7]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/2, y + inc*9/10);
pt[8]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/10 , y + inc*4/10);
pt[9]= new System.Drawing.Point(x + inc/10 , y + inc*2/10);
case 10://Clubs
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc ,y);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x , y + inc);
case 11://Clubs
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[26];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc*3/10,y+inc);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*4/10 ,y +inc*9/10);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc*5/10, y + inc*6/10);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*3/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[4]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*2/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[5]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc/10 , y + inc*7/10);
pt[6]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc/10 , y + inc/2);
pt[7]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*2/10 , y + inc*4/10);
pt[8]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*3/10 , y + inc*4/10);
pt[9]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*5/10 , y + inc*6/10);
pt[10]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*3/10 , y + inc*3/10);
pt[11]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*3/10 , y + inc*2/10);
pt[12]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*4/10 , y + inc/10);
pt[13]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*6/10 , y + inc/10);
pt[14]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc*2/10);
pt[15]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc*3/10);
pt[16]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*5/10 , y + inc*6/10);
pt[17]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc*4/10);
pt[18]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*8/10 , y + inc*4/10);
pt[19]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*9/10 , y + inc*5/10);
pt[20]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*9/10 , y + inc*7/10);
pt[21]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*8/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[22]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[23]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*5/10 , y + inc*6/10);
pt[24]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*6/10 , y + inc*9/10);
pt[25]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc);
case 12://Spades
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x,y);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc ,y);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc, y + inc);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x , y + inc);
case 13://Spades
pt = new System.Drawing.Point[15];
pt[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc*3/10,y+inc);
pt[1]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*4/10 ,y +inc*9/10);
pt[2]= new System.Drawing.Point(x +inc*5/10, y + inc*6/10);
pt[3]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*4/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[4]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*2/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[5]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc/10 , y + inc*7/10);
pt[6]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc/10 , y + inc/2);
pt[7]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc/2 , y );
pt[8]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*9/10 , y + inc/2);
pt[9]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*9/10 , y + inc*7/10);
pt[10]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*8/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[11]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*6/10 , y + inc*8/10);
pt[12]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*5/10 , y + inc*6/10);
pt[13]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*6/10 , y + inc*9/10);
pt[14]= new System.Drawing.Point(x+inc*7/10 , y + inc);
if ( pt.Length!=0){ g.FillPolygon(CBrush,pt);}


Edited by TechnoRobbo
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Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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