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Changes not being shown?

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Hello everyone! Im new to this forum, and Ive been using Paint.NET for a while now :) however recently Ive been experiencing a problem. 


Say for example, Im doing a new drawing. I make a layer for my "sketch" , I save, then I create a new one and add line art with the brush. I save and exit to continue later. When I open it up again , it shows only the "sketch" layer, and not the recent changes. At first I was weirded out and frustrated, then I noticed by re-starting or turning off and on the PC, it displayed the changes. Its been happening to everything now.. for example I add color to something, and once I close it and open again , it wont show the changes at all, Im relieved knowing that once I reset itll show. But its really uncomfortable, it might even be something with my PC and not Paint.NET itself. But it doesnt happen to anything else.


Help?  Thanks in advance any help is much appreciated! 

Edited by dabbido
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Hey dabbido - welcome! :)


In order to preserve the layer structure you need to save the image as a *.PDN.  What format are you saving the image as?

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Hey dabbido - welcome! :)


In order to preserve the layer structure you need to save the image as a *.PDN.  What format are you saving the image as?


Thanks for the warm welcome :) I actually save the PDN and afterwards (knowing its saved) Save as PNG for showing the image to a friend for example. In my opinion this saves the PDN file, and then saves (with the changes already applied and PDN version saved) a PNG version. Am I right?

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You need to first save as a PDN file, then save as the PNG. Two separate operations.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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^ That's the order that is stated ;)




Correct.  Saving first as a PDN then as a PNG is the time honored method of preserving the layer structure in case you need to edit the image later.  The Save As..PNG should prompt you to flatten the image if it has layers.


Investigation:  Are the file time stamps consistent with the changes and save order?  I.e. last modified <date> when you view the file details in Explorer?


Possibility:  You've saved the image to a new location and are reopening the original in the old location.  Hence the lack of changes.

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Ah xD me and my fickle brain...didn't manage to read from one side of the parenthetical to the other

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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^ That's the order that is stated ;)




Correct.  Saving first as a PDN then as a PNG is the time honored method of preserving the layer structure in case you need to edit the image later.  The Save As..PNG should prompt you to flatten the image if it has layers.


Investigation:  Are the file time stamps consistent with the changes and save order?  I.e. last modified <date> when you view the file details in Explorer?


Possibility:  You've saved the image to a new location and are reopening the original in the old location.  Hence the lack of changes.


I managed to "film" the problem, Im uploading to Youtube and will post a link soon. Sorry to ask but could you tell me how exactly to do the "investigation" ? xD Im kind of a noob at that ,  Also Im sure Im saving in the same folder / name . I tried again with a new one, saved in same folder, then closed, opened again in same location and it happened again. Thanks for all the help by the way.


EDIT: Heres the vid. 

 Thinking about it... I shouldve shown the full screen with layers and all. But I think it explains well what happens. Edited by dabbido
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