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Paint.NET 3.5.10 MSI take 30 min to install

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This is not normal. Make sure you get the msi from getpaint.net

You may have a badly infected computer. Do you know how to defrag? You may also have a lot of junk in your computer like too many items in your temps or in your prefetch folder in windows c:


I clean and defrag every month. It's a good habit to have.

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It probably takes the most time at "Optimizing for your system," right?


Usually this happens when an update to .NET has gone out recently. It's nothing to be worried about. Just random circumstance, basically, and only happens the one time. If you were to run the installer again, it'd take the normal amount of time (1-2 minutes?).

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Many Thanks for your support!


I have created the MSI by parameter /createmsi and i get 2 msi 32bit and 64bit.


PROPERTY - QUEUENGEN=0 When i get the MSI after passing the parameter /createmsi and When I set the property  QUEUENGEN=1  for 64bit msi then msi Install in 15 sec and it happens only windows 7 machines.


I have got the above information setting property from this forum and this helps me a lot.


Could you please confirm making this property to QUEUENGEN=1 will impact any thing to the Paintdotnet functionality?


Is it normal behavior?


Since this package is going to deploy in mass computer we need you inputs and provide your suggestions.


Thanks in Advance!

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QUEUENGEN won't hurt anything. It just makes the NGEN stuff happen "later" at a time that .NET chooses, like at night or some other idle time. Paint.NET will start up slower until that's happened.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Hello Rick,


Today I have observed that in windows XP machine MSI Log is around 21MB i think the same is happening in win XP as well but installation takes only around 3 min.


Do it need to set QUEUENGEN=1 for win xp MSI as well , as I did for win 7.


so is it normal for win XP?

Is this property QUEUENGEN=1 required for win XP?


Please suggest.



Atul Mishra

Edited by maddy123
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You don't ever need to use QUEUENGEN=1. Like I said, it's simply circumstantial that it took that long. Either that or your computer is very slow, but even the lowest end system I've tested on recently (1.6GHz Atom) only takes about 2 or 3 minutes (IIRC).


The MSI log being 21MB doesn't have any significance.


I don't generally recommend you go the route of making the MSI because it doesn't play well with the built-in updater (as in, it doesn't work, you have to uninstall and then reinstall the new version manually).

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

I have exactly the same problem when I push the MSI using SCCM.  The first ngen.exe command fires at 5:02 PM, the last finishes at 5:41 PM!

Now I've set the QUEUENGEN property to 1.  The first ngen.exe command fires at 10:05:56 AM, the last finishes at 10:05:57 AM.

Think I'm gonna leave the property on 1 :)


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You don't ever need to use QUEUENGEN=1. Like I said, it's simply circumstantial that it took that long. Either that or your computer is very slow, but even the lowest end system I've tested on recently (1.6GHz Atom) only takes about 2 or 3 minutes (IIRC).


Thanks for adding your observations koswo, but this thread is a year old my friend ;)  Let's leave it in peace



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