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How to add fonts over pictures?

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I made a custom sprite for a game called MapleStory. I'm trying to use fonts over my pic but I can't see them.. and yeah. I don't think when I type the font it even adds the effect of the font it's supposed to.


Here's a pic:








Also is there a way I can preview the pic before I save it? Can't seem to do that either.



First time using paintnet and any type of photo editing software ;D


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For starters the picture is 68 x 74 ,pixels I presume,and you have it zoomed in to 530%. This picture must be so small to start with that you need a magnifying glass to see it,lol. You have it zoomed in so big that you can see the pixels. Try starting with the picture at 100% and go to the Image tab and click resize to a size that is not bad and then  go to your Effects,Photo,Sharpen and that might work. Being that you are new to PDN I assume you don't have any plugins yet for effects so go to the Plugin section of the forum and do a bunch of reading first. Start with how to install them. Those are a whole different ball game,lol. 



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Looking at your screenshot the problem appears to be that the sprite is incredibly small.  This means the text tool has to reproduce at an incredibly tiny resolution.  You might have better luck if you turned the anti-aliasing OFF (find this option in the Tool Bar when the Text tool is active).  I believe that the small size and aliasing is the issue here.

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