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I was trying to recolor an image using the appropriate tool. I followed the instructions on getpaint.net, but when I used the tool, it gave me the inverted version of the color I wanted. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice. I searched for similar issues and found none. I even went so far as to paint the color I wanted, invert the photo colors, use the picker tool, and set the inverted color as my secondary. It turned out the actual color I wanted. What's going on?


Are you sure you have it the right way around?


To use the Recolor tool, you need to set the Primary color to the new color.   Set the Secondary color to the color that will be replaced.

It even says this in the Status bar when the Recolor Tool is active:  "Left click to replace the secondary color with the primary color."


<Moved to Paint.NET Discussion & Questions>

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