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I found another free paint program that has a pretty cool warping tool. I lost everything in a fire Dec. 23. Once I rebuild I'll take my fire/water damaged computer and see if it still works. If nothing else I think I can take my old hard drive and install all my programs to this computer. With Paint.net and a couple other free programs I think I can work on stuff for the next couple months. Thank again for the replies.

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  • 2 months later...

Ahh, I was going to ask this same question, it's a fun effect that would be cool to add to Paint.net!

I think this is what Steve Hester had in mind:

http://www.axlrosen.net (click the AlexWarp link, needs JavaScript activated)

I remember using it years ago on a website when the guy let people use his Java applet, I still have the .class files if somebody can reverse engineer a plugin from Java to C# (if that's even possible)

Maybe you jest need to see what maths code is used or something (4 years of CSSE and I'm bloody potato at programming! :D )

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