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Text Hides

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Okay, I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to make airline liveries using this program, but whenever I try to place text, it hides behind the fuselage.


I've tried:


Putting it to the TOP layer

I'm pretty sure nothing is selected. All I have is a pink background with the aircraft in front of it, and when I try to type text, and Drag it down onto the fuselage, it slowly disappears as I drag it "into" the fuselage. Please help, I've been trying this for hours with no luck.

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Hello and welcome jetsflier :)


Sounds like your text layer is lower that the fuselage layer in the Layers Window.


You could try ADDing a new layer specifically for the text.  Look for this icon in the Layers Window :AddNewLayer:


If necessary, move the text/new layer to the top of the list in the Layers Window.  To do this highlight the layer (by clicking on it in the Layers Window) and use the :MoveLayerUp: or :MoveLayerDown: icons in the Layers Window.

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