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First off this may be difficult to understand... thats maybe why i havent fond an answer yet.

Basically what ive done, is taken a font ive found online and made quite a few changes to it by use of the paint brush, eraser and so on... now i want to save these changes and use this new "font" ive created, and use it in pictures and stuff.

what i would like to know, is how do i save the changes ive made? But i only want the words ive used. I dont want the black backgound i edited on. I would like to open the file, and just have the words i edited on the new background.

hope that want to complicated


Actually, the solution is much simpler than you seem to think:

Delete the black background and save as a .png file.

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No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo


Clarifying: In order to "use" the font you'll have to import each character as an image.

Changing a font in this way does not make the changed font usable from the Text tool :TextTool:

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