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How to draw a black and white line in one movement

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I want to draw a line which is on the left side white and on the right side black. So it looks like there are two lines standing close together.

Is it possible to draw such line in a very simple way? Prefarably in one movement?

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Not in one movement, no, but...

1. Draw one color line on a new layer

2. Use pyrochild's outline object plugin with the "angled" box checked. Adjust the angle until it looks right to you.

Option 2:

draw two lines side-by-side. :P

Edited by pdnnoob

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Hello Fabian 13,

You could use the 'custom brushes mini' plugin.(First you must install it).Then make a black/white/transparenet brush and save it as a .png file to your brushes folder.

Or if you prefer the line tool - draw in black on a transparent layer, duplicate it, invert the colour then move it with the move tool and arrow buttons.

Good luck!


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No, it is not. There is rarely a case when such a tool is needed, and there are simple workarounds out there, so most (if not all) graphics programs don't have a one-click solution to your problem.

However, there is a drop shadow plugin available in the plugin section (on this forum). Just draw your black line, then use the plugin to get a white shadow.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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This might be just convenient enough to not be frustrating:

1. Create a new layer

2. Draw a line using the first color (either white or black

3. Duplicate the layer

4. On the duplicated layer, use Adjustments -> Invert Colors

5. Click on the Move Selected Pixels tool

6. Press the right arrow key to move the arrow into the spot you need. This works because it'll automatically select the whole layer if nothing is selected.

7. (Optional). Use the Layers -> Merge Layer Down menu command

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