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Alpha Blur v2 (2012-03-05)

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Download as part of my plugin pack.


Updated version of my original plug-in.

Performance (speed) is greatly improved - now using my own blur algorithm instead of built-in one.

Added "Shift" control allows to move around the blur area, giving more flexibility over result.


Comments, questions, suggestions welcome here.

Edited by toe_head2001
Restored image
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Thanks for the update.

I like your all plugins.

I downloaded new plugin pack. And I used.

I could not get the same your results.

I copy and paste your sample to paint.net.

Use the magic wand, select the original.

Other than the original is deleted.

My test was applied with the same value as your sample.


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Thanks for the update.

I like your all plugins.

I downloaded new plugin pack. And I used.

I could not get the same your results.

I copy and paste your sample to paint.net.

Use the magic wand, select the original.

Other than the original is deleted.

My test was applied with the same value as your sample.


Notice the note under the "original" image

"drawn on transparent background having the same color (RGB)"

To fix the problem, I think you have to use the paint bucket tool set to the same color with 0 transparency and 100% tolerance. Basically, you are setting the "transparent white" background to "transparent [insert color]"

For multicolor image, you can use an alpha mask to remove portions before you use the blur

Here, I started with a multicolor gradient:


Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Yes, if you alpha-blur an object placed on empty background then only 'Shift in' is meaningful.

Other settings are useful when some color exists in transparent areas.

Color information in transparent areas can be preserved by using eraser tool, Curves+ or 'Color to Alpha' plug-in.

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I was trying to use alpha blur incorrectly previously. Thanks for the update as with these examples I can see how it is supposed to be used more accurately than previously. Especially with how this interacts with transparency and what remaining alpha value may have on the outcome.

Thanks for the slider control update as well. That makes for a much different tool in many ways.


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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